Chapter twenty-four

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Tudi groaned. He blinked his eyes open. Darkness. He felt the coldness of the jail cell. His eyes met a very angry Tisa. " You can't keep us in here forever!" She howled.

" You'll never keep me here alive, coppers!" Skliros added. One of the starters keeping watch only rolled their eyes. " You guys will be in there for a long time. By that forever. Until your bodies rot and become corpses." A Sceptile informs them.

" But by then we will be out of this joint." Lassie commented, managing to torture the Sceptile from the cell. It was pokeproof, but ice moves could move past the bars. " Stop it!" The Sceptile ordered, smashing his fat tail against the bars.

Of course this was no normal Sceptile. It was a shiny. Lassie seemed to stop, and the Sceptile smirked. " Sceptridium, you sure know how to make the pathetic outlaws shut up." He states with pride. Witness started laughing. " With a name like that I'm sure you can be a part of the weirdly named Pokémon characters for sure." She stated.

" Shut up! Your name is Witness." Sceptridium stated. " You're called a flower. Pretty dumb." Tudi flashes at him. The shiny banged on the cell. " Shut your pie hole! And don't think about escaping either, outlaws." Sceptridium tells them. He then leaves.

" We are so busting outta here. Anyone want tea?" Skliros asked, somehow having a pinkie raised. Tudi both thought he was taught right, but not taught something very important. That, or he thinks that will annoy Pokémon even more if he does that.

" No. There is no time for tea, you weirdo." Tisa snarled, whacking the tea away. How he even still had that was a mystery. Skliros folded his arms. " I like what I like, and you like what you like." He commented.

He picked up his tea set. " On That note: How are we going to get out of here?" Lassie questions. Tisa paces the cell. The only two who weren't saying anything were Boulder and Witness. An emotion crept into Tudi's stomach. For a moment he thought it was because of Pip using Aqua Jet, but that didn't feel right.

What didn't feel right? MIsTakE! He ignores the voice in his head. " You two have ideas?" Tudi questions, trying to get the two to speak to them. " Look at my sweater vest it looks so fly." Witness states, ignoring him.

Tudi blinked. She didn't even have one. She's just ignoring them. She still had the marks. The darn bitches of a Squad didn't even bother to heal their wounds. Pain filled Tudi. He had no idea what came over him.

The truth. The only way you've known. The one way that is right for you. Don't let your enemies become your friends. It's nice to have sidekicks, but YoU must Be thE OnE to take down the squad, not them.

Tudi shook his head. He had to get the voice out of there. He didn't want to be controlled by anyone other than himself.

He turned to Boulder. " What about you?" Boulder faced away from him, paws and all. It's over. They don't worship you anymore. You proved your stuff, kid. But the war has only begun. You must destroy the squad and anyone who is with them. Skliros is after a good Pokémon. You must destroy arceus. You must!

Tudi shook his head. First I've got to get out of this joint, he thought. He turned to look at the uncooperative dou. I've got to get those two to help me, but how can I do that when they won't listen to me?

A pair of pawsteps could be heard. One light and one heavy. It was Pip and Paarthurnax. " Good job, Pip. Seems like once Tudi fainted the others went quickly as well. We owe all our success to you." Paarthurnax thanked him in a gruff voice.

Paarthurnax approaches their cell. He chuckled. " Finally. We finally have you, Tudi. Of course we also have another highly dangerous criminal. Good work! Of course it was you and Parker who took him down with Spout, but I think thanking you is enough for your water team. Get comfortable boys and girls. You will be here for a long time." Paarthurnax tells them.

Tudi growled. Not only was his father killed by that bitch, but he was captured by that bitch as well. He ran against the cell, moving it harshly.

" We will get out of here you overconfident lizard! Just you wait. We will get out of here, and I will kill you. And your little seal too!" Tudi threatened. Pip wasn't afraid of him, but he seemed to back away. A good was in his flippers. " Come on, Pip. You don't need to heed to anyone's words. We all like seeing your face here." Paarthurnax tells him.

" It's not because of that." Pip said, absentminded. Paarthurnax nodded. " We must go find better bars. I'm sure the stinky hedgehog and his friends will get out." He commented as they left.

Tudi growled. He sat down on the ground, thinking. Tisa sat down next to him. She seemed to think as well. Skliros ponders as well. Lassie just stares off into the wall. She glares at the wall like it was her enemy.

" Is this thing completely Pokemon proof?" Skliros asked. He used Dark Void. Apparently it wasn't move proof, only the bars were. The Darkrai ended on the outside of the bars. " Go and get the keys." Tudi informs him.

Skliros nodded. He looked around the place before finding the keys under a newspaper stating something about a Nidoking being killed. Skliros realized who it was before grabbing the keys.

Skliros floated over with the keys and unlocked the rest. " Okay Guys you can leave." Skliros told them, but at that second Lassie used Ice Beam And the wall turned frozen.

Skliros sighed. " Come on Lassie, Guys. We need to leave and release my plan into action. We tried defeating the Starter Squad, but it's clear we're overpowered. I think we need to train some more." Skliros started as Sceptridium walks in the room. " Shit." Skliros curses.

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