Chapter twenty-three

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Tudi swiftly drops Pip who starts to cough, getting back some color in his face. He tries to pin Parker. He was sure that was the idiots name by now. Parker just moves out of the way, and lets Tudi's haste take harm upon himself. He crashed into the wall.

" Oh great! Now we need a new wall!" A Snivy whined with a huff, her nostrils flaring at the sight of the broken wall. " You will owe us a lot of money when we capture you. Well, the price over your head will cover that, but still you are causing chaos that I don't like."

Tudi rolled his eyes at her stupidity. " I don't care." He replied as he pulled himself out of the wall, trying to gain his vision back. He shakes his head. He then pinpoints Parker. Pip just stood there, staring at the ground. Then he suddenly darted outside. Tudi wasn't exactly sure what he was doing.

Hopefully killing himself for me. Tudi thought with a snort. His attention went back on Parker as his scalchop smacked him on his face. Tudi snarled. " Oh shit." Parker said. Tudi pounced on him, him squirming underneath. " Is anyone else going to do their job?! I hired you all for a reason!" Paarthurnax screeches in outrage.

" But all the brave Pokemon are somewhere else." One pokemon pointed out. " I joined so I didn't have to go back to my mother yelling at me and throwing bottles." A different starter replied.

" I'm hot and sexy." A shiny Fennekin commented. She's going next. Tudi decided. Tudi smashes his fists into Parker's face. Parker cried out. " If one of you doesn't do your job you're all fired!" Paarthurnax roars, punching a wall and scaring the heck out of all the Starter Squad members.

They all dashed to the scene, unable to touch Tudi as Witness picked up a Grookey and dropped him on a shiny Venasaur.

The Grookey couldn't move, probably having a broken back at this point, or worse. Tudi was about to finish the Oshawott. That was before a body collided into him. It wasn't Pip.

" Traitor!" Tudi snarled, facing the crazy colored Mudkip with a glare on his face. He couldn't believe it. After all he has done for this bitch, taking him and all, he betrays them because he doesn't want another one of his precious starter buddies to be killed! Outrage!

The Mudkip faced him bravely. " Maybe to you, but I won't allow it. I hate death. You can't do this to an innocent Pokémon." Boulder tells him. " Well, news flash: Life ain't fair. Move so I can crush his tiny body!" Tudi orders Boulder as he punches a wall.

Boulder shakes his head. Tudi sighs. " Fine. I guess you're first to die, little Mudkip boy." Tudi decided as he lifted his claws in the air, sharp as ever. He drove the claws into the Mudkip's shoulder. Boulder screams in pain, trying to get the Sandslash's claws out of his body.

To no avail. Tudi went deeper, causing an even bigger wound to appear on the traitor's shoulder. " Please Stop!" Boulder cried. Darkness. That's all he needed. Who cares about friends? They just get in your way when it benefits them.

He didn't listen. He didn't have to listen. He didn't hear the cry for him to stop from Witness either. Who needs them? They got in my way. He thought darkly. The only one who didn't was Skliros. He's a good 'mon. He's the only one there to support me. He thought as he dug his claws in some more.

More. A voice told him. I want more blood to spill. Let it come in bouts. Let it fill the Starter Squad hq until they give up! He dug in even deeper, oblivious to anything else besides himself, hurting Boulder, and the voice. The voice was right. It was correct.

Keep going! Let the starter die! No one needs an ugly thing like him lying around. He's not even normal colored! Get rid of him. Boulder needs to die!

" No!" A feminine voice cried out, bowling him over, and pinning him. Witness. She's betraying you too! Who's to know who else will betray you as well. Do you want them to have their loyalties swayed? Kill them all!

Tudi plunges his claws against Witness who screams in pain. She rolls off of him. " Don't get in my way, birdie!" He snarled, everything turning red. Red. That's it. Let it all become red.

Tudi snarled once more, spit coming out of his mouth, flying into the shiny Fennekin's mouth. She freaked out about it big time. He plunged his claws into Witness. " Tudi Stop!" Boulder ordered. " I'm not listening to a traitor who should have been killed when I had the chance!" Tudi growled.

He got smacked in the back by the scalchop. That was when Lassie took action, and froze him solid. She giggled as she froze some more Pokémon. She didn't get far, though.

She yelped as Paarthurnax punched her in the back of her head. She cried out and tumbled to the ground. That was no normal punch, though. It was a Fire Punch. Lassie groans as her eyes swirled.

That made Skliros mad. He used Dark Void on Paarthurnax. He swiftly went over to the leader of the Starter Squad. " You might be able to defeat these Pokémon, but you're no match for a legendary Pokémon." Skliros told him with a smirk as he made Paarthurnax faint with a Charge Beam. Then just for good measure, and because he was clearly evil he used Thunder.

" I would kill you, but I think that's not my fight." Skliros commented. Skliros indicates to Tudi to finish the job, but a pain in his stomach makes him fall over in pain. He fainted. Of course before he fainted he managed to catch the glimpse of a sniffling Popplio. It was clear that Pip had used Aqua Jet.

A cry rang out, and Tudi knew that today they had actually lost. They had come so close to winning. So close.

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