Chapter twenty-six

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The inside of the cave had lots of water, that's for sure. It was also cold. It made Tudi shiver. Tudi pauses when he hears something. It was strange. It sounded like someone was speaking, but garbled.

Without another moment to think, a purple tailed gray creature floated into sight, and launched an Aura Sphere. " Mew!" He exclaimed. " Mew Who now?" Lassie questions. " He's looking to defeat his enemy, Mew." Skliros explained as they had to dodge many attacks from the skilled Pokémon.

It looked weirdly mutated, like it was suppose to be a human, but got cloned. That's when Tudi realized that he must have. He said Mew, and Skliros claimed this Pokémon to be Mewtwo, so it makes sense.

Tudi has heard a lot about this kind of Pokémon. He can be useful. Tudi realized with a wide grin. But first they would have to defeat this monster of a Pokémon.

Tudi would say it was hard, except this Pokémon didn't seem as bright as he first seemed. Tudi almost opened up a wound that would make the Mewtwo's guts spill, but he held back.

The mewtwo lay there, panting and seeming shocked at his loss. The Mewtwo stood up and faced him. He grinned wickedly. " You are strong." He rumbled. Then the Mewtwo locks eyes with Skliros.

" The Darkrai." He states. " My name is Skliros, Mewtwo." The Darkrai stated. " You're That Darkrai bent on world domination." Mewtwo stated. He then looks down at the other Pokémon. " Was I seriously defeated by a Ninetales and a Sandslash as well?" He wonders with a lash of his tail.

" We want to destroy arceus, Mewtwo." Skliros informed him. The Mewtwo didn't seem surprised or phased. He only nodded. " That rule abiding criminal?" He questions. " That's good. We don't need to worship some jackass when we can make sure we take care of ourselves." Mewtwo states.

He closes his eyes and with a cruel smile, turns to them and says, " I will help you. My name, though, isn't just Mewtwo. Yes I am a Mewtwo, but I am the only Mewtwo that matters." He stated, taking a breath before continuing.

" My real name is Kiumbe." The apparent Kiumbe introduces. Tudi didn't really notice it before, but Witness and Boulder still haven't said a word to anyone.

Kiumbe noticed Lassie. " Who is this? Now that I think about it, what are your names? You certainly must have some names. Please do tell me them right away." Kiumbe says with a curt nod.

" My name is Skliros as you know." Skliros said. Kiumbe nodded. " Yes I do know that. I want your friend's names, not yours, Skliros." Kiumbe explains with humbleness in his tone.

" My name is Tudi..." Tudi begins before Kiumbe gasps. " Tudi? The Tudi? The one who worked with the national criminal named Pulse?" Kiumbe asks with a new found respect that Tudi didn't see in his eyes before he stated his name to the legendary Pokémon. Tudi nodded. " That was me. Unfortunately Pulse is gone, but he lives in me." Tudi explains.

The Mewtwo got mad and growled, " Who would do such a thing like that?!" Tudi smirked. This guy seemed to like him more than he ever expected him to.

" Oh it's just the Starter Squad. They're dumb little followers of Arceus who do his evil bidding and don't even realize that they're doing evil. They claim to, ' help,' but I don't see them helping me to have a better world where I can destroy the one who murdered my father." Tudi explained to him.

Skliros went in front of Tudi. " Yeah," he chuckled. " So we are going to destroy arceus, and then we will help Tudi destroy this Starter Squad he hates so badly. Which one was it that killed your hero?" Skliros asked. It was like they were the one's who were doing all the good in the world.

Tudi liked the sound of his father being called a hero. It made him feel pride. He needed this pride so much. He also needed help, but they weren't very helpful.

Skliros indicted for Tudi to speak once again. " His name is Pip. His name might sound cute, but he's very much so a monster. He murdered my father when we were just trying to prove to this world what a father and son could do together. It was awful what he and this other Pokémon did. I don't like to all about it." He told him.

He could have sworn he saw Boulder roll his eyes at him. " And Who are you?" Kiumbe asked as he bent down to look at Tisa. " Tisa." She growled. " Hmm," Kiumbe commented. " Never heard of you." He then went on to look at Witness.

" have some weird pattern of spots. I've never seen a Togekiss like this. What's your name?" Kiumbe questions her. She backs away. " Witness." She commented. At those words Kiumbe laughed. " Witness? Is that seriously your name? I'm sorry, but Witness is like one of the world's stupidest names of all time!" Kiumbe laughed, wiping a tear from his eyes.

" Shut it, man! We all know Witness isn't the best name, but it's better than having a normal name like Steve!" Boulder exclaimed to him, seeming really mad at that.

" And this pipsqueak is? He's a starter, so why is he here?" Kiumbe asked as if he didn't have a voice. It was as if Boulder was a slave to them, and nothing more than that.

" Boulder. My name is Boulder. And I am seriously tired of all this shit me and Witness are getting!" He yelled a Tudi. What? What is he talking about? I stole food for that fucking Mudkip and he's saying we give him shit?!

Has he no respect for what I've done to get him in this group?! Tudi thought with annoyance. He was angry at Boulder. He just wasn't expecting what was coming after all that. " In fact, I'm done with this stupid little bad group. Witness if you don't want to come that's-" Boulder began. " I am coming with you! I am sick and tired of being treated like I'm worth less than I was at school!" She chirped angrily.

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