Chapter eighteen

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Chikorita used Razor Leaf. " Just another bitch who is disorienting my future husband." She growled. Tudi almost barfed at those words. Boulder just looked ticked off. " I am claimed by no one, now please stop!" He exclaimed.

He used Mud Slap. Chikorita got pissed. " How dare you! You can't escape me!" She snarled, whipping her leaf around. " Seriously?" Tudi asked, with the most annoyed and bored face he ever had.

She moved in closer. " What a weak starter. In all my life I've never found a more weaker Chikorita. Sorry kid, better luck next time." Tudi stated, winking at her before he dug under ground.

Chikorita got mad. What she didn't expect was that Boulder used Whirlpool and sent her crashing against a tree. " Leave me alone!" He snapped at her. " Witness did nothing to you but be my friend. Stop attacking this outlaw. He might be bad, but I'm not letting an even worse outlaw defeat him." Boulder said.

Tudi resurfaced. The Chikorita let out a cry of pain. She growled. She leaped at Tudi who in turn just flicked her off to the side. " You're outmatched." She growled, getting up. " You're out sized." Tudi snorted, flicking her to the side again without trying.

She growled once more. " You bitch!" She shouted, using Razor Leaf. " Seriously?" Tudi asked, ignoring the weak and annoying leaves that went his way.

That made Chikorita more mad. She ran at Tudi who snatched her up from the ground and tossed her against a tree. She growled. " Hrr." She dashed at him again. " Do you always do the same boring attacks? I've seen a baby Oshawott have more moves than you." He insulted.

" I have better moves than you!" She exclaimed, as she used Magical Leaf. Tudi only dug under the ground. " You're the one who's using repeated moves!" She exclaimed. " Because you're not a challenge." He responded as he smacked her across the field.

She got up and charged at him once more. He used Metal Claw, which broke through her skin. " Yeow!" She yelled, kicking at Tudi with her feet. He ignored her kicks. They were weak. She growled suddenly as she glowed. She smirked as she evolved into Bayleef. Tudi only snorted.

" Evolving doesn't make you as strong as you think." He stated. He used Earthquake. Boulder made a noise as he held on to Tudi's leg, trying to prevent himself from falling over. Tudi ignore the little staffer who wasn't really helping all too much.

Bayleef smacked her head on the ground. She growled. " How many times are you going to growl, idiot?" He asked her a little ticked off. " It's like you're not even a Pokémon anymore, but an actual monster." He stated.

Bayleef growled. She used Solar Beam, which was a bad choice as it took two turns and by then Tudi had used Poison Sting on her. She grimaced in pain. " Do you ever faint?" Tudi asked her.

" No. Because I'm better than you." She stated. Tudi rolled his eyes. " If you're truly better than me, stop being so weak." He stated as the Solar Beam was released as a yellow/white light. His face showed pain. " Tudi!" Boulder cried out, using Whirlpool on Bayleef.

" Your concern is not needed." Tudi stated, as he brushed off the dust the attack brought up. Boulder glanced at him. " But it is." Boulder stated. Tudi tried to ignore the annoying good Pokémon. " I care about you. So therefore it is needed. Totally." Boulder stated as he used Water Gun. Bayleef looked annoyed.

" Stop fighting for the enemy, Boulder. You're mine. And mine only." Bayleef growled, trying to put a paw around him. Boulder wasn't going to have that. He used Whirlpool which caught her.

The two allies watched as Bayleef swirled inside the Whirlpool. Boulder glanced at Bayleef before opening his mouth then closing it. " Let me out of this dumb Whirlpool! You're suppose to love me not this idiot!" She yelled.

" Breathe it in. Till your heart breaks. Exhale." Boulder only commented as she swirled around and around inside the pool of water. The whirl pool stopped after a while, sending Bayleef into a tree. She only charged at Tudi once again.

Boulder was ready for her. He used Ice Beam. Bayleef cried out in pain as she was sent crashing into a tree. Finally her eyes swirled. Boulder sighed. " Finally." Tudi groaned, stretching. " She was such a fat bitch."

Tudi made his way over to the Bayleef. Boulder's eyes widened as he raced over to Tudi. He put out a paw as he put himself between Tudi and the annoying riffraff.

" What? After all that Tauros-shit, you want me to not kill her? She deserves to be killed. She's an annoying piece of crap." Tudi stated as he stared down at Boulder.

Boulder only stared at him harder. And with a glare as well. " No. We shouldn't kill her. We should get going." He began as he took one step. Instead of going somewhere, Boulder stopped. He glowed.

So shortly after Bayleef's? Tudi wondered. " What the heck is going on?" Boulder asked Tudi. " You're evolving. Just like that Bayleef." Tudi explained as Boulder lifted a paw trying to look at himself.

" Evolving? Finally?! Horray!" Boulder exclaimed. Tudi looked behind him. An everstone was on the ground. " Bastard." Tudi suddenly stated. " What?" Boulder asked as his legs grew and so did his fins. He was now a Marshtomp.

Tudi walked over to the Everstone. He picked it up. " Did you ever carry one of these around?" Tudi asked. " No. I wanted to evolve, but my dad never wanted me to. He wanted me to join the Starter Squad." Boulder told him.

" Then why is there one here?" Tudi asked. He already figured it out. That dumb shiny wanted his son to evolve so he attached this stone to his fun...or maybe tapped it.

Boulder looked at the Everstone. " But what does this have to do with my evolution?" He asked Tudi. Tudi smirked. " I'll gladly explain this idiot to you." Tudi stated.

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