Chapter nineteen

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" You see your father is too desperate for you to join the starter squad so he placed an everstone so you wouldn't evolve. Usually an evolved Pokémon can't join the starter squad. So I think your father did that." Tudi tried to help.

Sounds of feet echoed. " Where were you? Oh fuck is it a dead body? I'll bury it!"Sklirós exclaimed as the sounds got louder. " No. No. Not yet." Tudi responded. " Who's the Marshtomp?" Tisa joked. " Oh come on! It's me! Boulder! I evolved." Boulder commented.

" Yeah. Skippy here evolved during a battle with prissy over there." Tudi commented as Boulder rubbed his neck. " She's annoying as heck." He commented. " Well, shall we go?" Lassie asked.

" We better. The starter squad might try to stop us if we stay here any longer." Tudi commented as the allies made their way across the trees. They totally forgot about the Bayleef nearby who stood up. A growl rose in her throat.

" I will kill you Tudi." She growled, as she shook her body about. She pressed a paw against the hole in her leaf. " If it's the last thing I do." She stumbled around before being caught by a purple paw.

Bayleef looked up. " Who are you?" She snapped at the shiny. " I am a friend." He told her, helping her. " I support you." Is all he said afterwards.

Tudi walked forward. " That's so cool you've evolved!" Witness exclaimed. " It's all thanks to Tudi I did. We beat Bayleef with our awesome teamwork." Boulder commented proudly, puffing out his chest.

Tudi rolled his eyes and almost gagged at that word. Team work, what an overrated word. They walked through the forest. " Did you know that I had an everstone on me somehow?" Boulder asked.

" You did?" Witness asked. " Yeah. That explains why I didn't evolve. Tudi claims it's my father. Speaking of my father, I hope we don't enter counter him anymore." Boulder said. " With any luck, we'll win a battle for once." Tisa huffed.

" If anything, you will shut up and stop saying stupid things." Tudi commented. It was quiet the rest of the way through the forest. Tudi loved it. He started to sharpen his claws. " What is our next plan? We don't seem to have a very good idea of where we are going now." Skliós asked. " I thought we were going to kill arceus or someone." Tudi grumbled.

" If it was up to me, we should go back." Tisa commented. " Oh, you aren't going back you bitches." A growl behind them said. " Oh hey! It's the floating metal ornament. How's it going, Bucky? Making any big bucks or bok boks?" Tudi mocked. The Skyarmory's metallic Wings seemed to get ruffled.

" Oh you're one to talk, Tudi. Or should I say 2d?" Bucky taunted. " Who's too deep?" Boulder asked. Bucky sighs. " Who the fuck is that? And that? And that? Did we ever meet?" Bucky asked. " I'm Bucky. Nice to see some Pokémon more uglier than Rational." Bucky insulted.

" Nice to see someone who has a crush on a fleabag who happens to be the shiny's daughter." Tudi insulted. With that, Bucky zoomed at Tudi. Tudi jumped out of the way.

" Hey!" Witness shouted, as she followed the metal bird. " What?" Bucky asked, halting. " What the fuck. Are you the tooth fairy?" He asked her.

" No. And your shoe's untied." Witness said at random. " No it isn't you weirdo." Bucky said as he rammed into the green spotted Pokémon's back. She squealed as she tumbled to the earth.

Boulder took that as a sign he should attack. He opened his jaw. A Whirlpool formed there. He launched it at Bucky, who screamed bloody murder about it. The Skyarmory was whirled around in the pool. " This is hilarious." Sklirós said as he watched, sipping some tea that he happened to have on him.

He had his top hat on his head. " His pain is so amazing." Tudi agreed. " Tea?" Sklirós asked. Tudi shook his head. " What the fuck." Tisa commented at what Sklirós was wearing.

Witness just laughed. " I don't get it." Boulder commented as Bucky continued to scream for Boulder to stop the Whirlpool. " Have fun." Tudi taunts him.

" You guys don't know how to properly dispose the jerks." Lassie commented. " Go ahead." Sklirós commented, dismissing what she had said. " We will be waiting for you here." Sklirós commented as he sipped his tea.

Tisa sighed. " I hate to be the party pooper here, but we must get rid of the kid." She said. " Let's let him suffer the roundabout a few more times." Tudi responded. " He deserves it."

" He deserves it?" A voice questioned behind them. " Who said that?" Tudi asked, before a steam of water sent him against a tree and through it. " Fuck. Run?" Witness asked. A Slowking walked over, hands behind his back.

" Oh it's the stupidly calm teacher who got fired." Tudi commented, as he struggled to get up. " You don't stand a chance against me, Tudi. Neither do any of your pals." The Slowking said with emphasis on the word pals.

Tudi brushes off the water droplets that dripped off him. " Do you have to ruin everything? It wasn't even me who was attacking. The bitch asked for it." Tudi responded.

The Slowking blinked. " Your logic is illogical." He responded. Tudi curled his fists. " I hate you so much! You live up way too much to your name, Hubris." Tudi growled.

" I'm not asking much right now. But please let my student go. I will deal with him personally later. Unless of course you need a lesson too." Hubris stated.

" Fuck his calmness!" Sklirós exclaimed. " I know of your petty plot. You won't accomplish it." Hubris backlashed. " You know nothing, old man." Tudi growled.

" Maybe not, but I know good is always better than bad." Hubris told. Boulder seemed to agree for a second before looking away from Hubris. " No it's not, you irrelevant jackass." Tudi insulted. Hubris blinked at him. " Then how about this: we have a battle to decide who is truly right. If I win you can have your little win. If you lose then that proves my point." Hubris challenged, holding out a paw. " Deal!" Tudi snarled as he shook the teacher's paw.

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