Chapter twenty-five

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Without a moments hesitation Tudi sprang at Sceptridium. He dug his claws into his throat just as he was about to cry out, " The prisoners have escaped!" Tudi stoke Sceptridium's last breath. He dug in his claws for good measure.

He took out his claws and licked the blood off of him. A Decidueye blocked them from escaping the room. " You will not leave here, outlaws. Get back in your cell or else," he threatened, wings widening. " Or else what?" Lassie snickers. He then grabbed an arrow within a second and fired it. It whisked through the air and struck her. She was trapped there until they either killed the Decidueye or defeats it.

It's an easy guess to choose from. Lassie screeched, trapped on the wall by the stupid arrow. She struggles intensely. It wasn't helping that it was only three Pokémon at this point trying to attack the crazy grass owl.

It doesn't help that Tudi was weak against the dumb pathetic owls. Grass was a stupid weakness for Ground to have. The grass was attached to the ground for a reason, it didn't attack the ground and be super effective. It worked with the dumb ground to get his goal out.

Tudi tried to stick his claws into the Decidueye, but that didn't work. This older Decidueye was sure trying to keep himself alive. His eyes betrayed something, though. It betrayed that he was staying alive for a different reason than self motivation. It was as if he was staying alive for someone else other than himself.

Tudi could easily tell this guy was caring for someone, but he didn't know whether it was a human or Pokémon. All he knew was he saw a very disgusting emotion in his. Tudi wanted to throw up. Love, it doesn't get you anywhere but the grave.

He jabbed his claws at the overrated starter. The starter easily brushed off the attack, and smacked a Leaf Blade on him. Tudi cried out. The Decidueye was serious. Tudi was grabbed by the Decidueye's talons. " If you think you can stop me, you are wrong." Tudi chocked out.

The Decidueye held onto him, until Skliros used Dark Void. " You're welcome." Skliros commented as he threw one of his china teacups at a oncoming Litten. He yowled as he spun around and fell over, blood flowing from the teacup wound. That was going to be an embarrassing statement tomorrow, or whenever he would wake up.

A Frogadier punched a button when they ran into the main area of the HQ. " The prisoners are escaping! I repeat the prisoners are escaping! We must do something!" He called into the microphone to inform all the starters.

" Prisoners? How rude. We are your guests. And we will sweep the floor with you." Skliros stated as he held Lassie who was fainted in his arms.

He used Shadow Ball, knocking most of the pokemon in the room to fainting. Tudi started to slaughter them. Boulder ran into him once more.

Tudi pushes him off to the side. " Let me finish the job." He stated before Skliros grabbed him by both claws with one ragged paw. " No!" He tells him. " We've got a bigger mission now."

Tudi didn't care. His main mission was still: destroy the Starter Squad. He still wanted to see all the bones and blood on the ground. He wanted revenge. ReVeNGE! Yes revenge. ReVeNGE was the most underrated thing ever, and to see it unleashed would be the best thing ever.

Of course, he dropped the Turtwig that was currently in his grasp. He would not die today. In fact, if he did he wouldn't have even noticed it till he was in the Distortion World. That's where all the cruel starter squad members deserved to go.

In fact he would rather see Giratina here than to see those lying Starter Squad members. If this was a free region, then why'd he have to follow their dumb rules, huh?

It made no sense to be free, yet to follow a lot more rules than needed. Tudi was doing every Pokémon a favor by getting rid of the law, and yet he was hated because of it by most Pokémon.

They weren't as sensible as him and his team. They were all just suckers for the fake news. News about no more wars and violence. It was everywhere, and no one could stop it.

If it was up to him he would make no rules. This would be a rule free place where everyone could be happy. Of course if someone does something wrong to you you can always kill them and get back at them for what they've done against you. It was perfect. I hope you die in the Distortion world, Pip and Parker. Tudi thought as he raced out of the place.

They were still being chased by the few Starter Squad members who dared to follow them. How dare they! Tudi whirled around to face them. They were in front of a cave. Tudi's feet hurt. They had been running for several months now from these guys. Boulder and Witness still didn't seem to want to follow them.

They have no choice right now. They're affiliated with me. Tudi thought as he punched a Totodile in the face. The Totodile cried out, nose bleeding. The criminals all raced inside the cave.

One starter started to take a step to follow. " No!! Don't go in there. All those who go in there die!" A Grovyle told him, placing her paws out to stop him. " They...they can't hide there forever!" Paarthurnax roars.

" Relax sir. Remember this is it's cave." A Combusken stated as she shivered. " You're right, but you haven't seen what they can do like I can." Paarthurnax said.

He sighed. " We will go back. For now. We will get some help to defeat them and that creature. Knowing Tudi, I'm sure he will make friends with this so called creature. This creature has powers beyond us. No doubt if it joins them, we will all be doomed. For now, we must do what we can." Paarthurnax said as they all walked away.

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