Chapter fourteen

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After Sklirós was done with his little tantrum, the outlaws all journeyed for a while. It didn't take as much time as they all thought to reach Poketown again.

Pokémon turned their way. They all began to go into a panic. Sklirós snorted. " Losers." He commented as he used Dark Void.

Tudi sneered as a Kecleon tried to hide. " Unfortunately you can't hide with that stupid stripe." He commented, stabbing the Kecleon with a claw. Boulder almost looked shocked at the sudden burst.

He ripped out the Kecleon's heart. He tossed it to the side. " Such a weak Pokémon." He spat as the group continued to brutally murder the witness's of their return to poketown.

Once they either destroyed the Pokémon physically or put them to sleep, the six Pokémon all dangerously walked over to the Starter Squad headquarters.

A young Prinplup began to sound a call, but that was before Sklirós put her to sleep. Same with a Monferno next to her. Tisa spat on the Prinplup harshly. Satisfied, she kicked dust all over her as well before speeding up to catch up to the villains.

Boulder glanced around the headquarters. His eyes wide in fright. Was he looking for something? Someone? Lassie shot an Ice Beam when a Bulbasaur tried to attack them off guard. The Bulbasaur was sent flying, and cracked his skull. Blood quickly poured out of the grass type, and he died quickly.

Other starters within the building for wind of what was happening. " Run!" A Pikachu cowardly exclaimed. He tried to use his speed to leave, but Witness sliced him in half with Air Slash.

All the other starters stared at the Pikachu. An evil glint appeared in both Tudi's and Sklirós's eyes. " Oh Arceus." One Snivy commented, as she practically gapped at the blood body.

" There goes our last female." Another Snivy commented, as Tisa burned that Snivy alive. He was also burned alive as well. " Stop! In the name of the law!" A roar echoed throughout the squad. Paarthurnax flew and landed in front of the outlaws, smoke coming out of his snout.

" Hello there, do I know you?" Witness joked. Paarthurnax used Blast Burn on Witness and she screamed as she tried to back away. " Put your paws, wings, and whatever parts you have to hold things in the air. Now!" The black Charizard roared.

The six exchanged glances. " How about no?" Lassie suggested. " I don't do giving up, fatty. Now if you'll excuse us please we have some starters to continue to destroy." Sklirós politely commented, using Dark Void on a nearby Braixen.

" Stop!" The Charizard roared, using Flameflower. Tisa jumped in front of the attack, with a wicked grin. " Oh shit." Several starters commented. " Don't just stand there, Starter Squad Attack!" Paarthurnax snarled.

" Y-you see..." one starter began. " Big scary claws." Another commented. " I like tuna fish." Another randomly says. " Putting others to sleep and feeding off their nightmares. I quit!" One says, dashing out. " Wimp!" Another exclaims, before joining Paarthurnax.

" It doesn't matter how many weak and pathetic starters you send at us. We will just destroy them all. I hope you planned a big funeral, Paarthurnax. Because it won't look pretty in here when we're done with it!" Lassie exclaimed, using Blizzard.

" I really hate the cold!" Sklirós cried out during the storm. Tudi took that concealed moment to find the dastardly Pokémon who stole his father's life from him.

He was just about to reach the dang Popplio, when a Squirtle leapt in front of him. " I wouldn't do that, mister!" She exclaimed, using Water Gun. The Squirtle's back was green. Shiny. I should have guessed. Tudi thought, sarcastically.

Tudi tried to slash at her. She easily dodged him. She started to dance for some odd reason. Then she continued the battle as if she didn't just dance. " I don't think so!" She says in a singsong voice, dodging his claws once again.

Tudi was getting really annoyed at this little shiny brat. He dug under the ground. " Like that hasn't been used before. Face it Tudi, that's an old move." She comments. " Oh what I would say, but I totally saw you, Tisa. You're not that stealthy!" The Squirtle peppily commented, using Rapid Spin on Tisa before using Aqua Jet.

Tisa snarled and used Flameflower. Tudi tried to get the advantage of her when her back was turned, but when he used Dig, a scalchop hit him in the back of the head. He hissed in pain.

He turned to see an Oshawott. He was all proud he got a hit. " Congratulations you hit me." Tudi sarcastically commented. " Now prepare to die, Starter scum!" He exclaimed, trying to stab the Pokémon. The Oshawott was quicker, jumping out of the way, before elegantly using Aqua Jet.

Tudi saw it coming. He curled his claws, and punched the sucker. He watched as the Oshawott cried out, holding his fat nose. Tudi went for another punch. It hit the Oshawott on the stomach.

The little otter cried out, as he hit the wall. " Hmph." Tudi commented, satisfied. He wanted to kill the little guy, but before he could do anything else, the same jerky Popplio jumped out of his phase of just sitting there seemingly feeling sorry for himself.

Pip used Disarming Voice. " Oh. Oh that's very beautiful." Sklirós commented, before plugging his ears in pain. Tudi already had his claws in his ears.

At that moment, a thump was behind him. Lassie stood there panting over the defeated body of Paarthurnax. She smiled in triumph. Before she could even have a second to rest a big purple shape body slammed her.

The Pokémon seemed to stop. " Hello, outlaws." The voice of a shiny Swampert commented cooly, with an overconfident smirk on his face. And at that moment, Boulder almost seemed to have been fleeing.

The little starter began to run. The shiny Swampert turned around to glance at the running Pokémon. " Boulder?!" The Pokemon seemed to roar in surprise. " Uh...h-hello, father." Boulder addressed, trying to back up
From his apparent father.

" What." Tisa began. " The." Tudi commented. " Muk!" Witness exclaimed. At that moment, the shiny turned back to them. The Swampert has a look of disappointment on his face. " So this is why you ran away?!"

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