Chapter eight

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Pip paced outside the door to the grand master of all things Starter Squad. Not to be confused with the grand master of all things bad. The Popplio was finally greeted with the face of the leader of the Starter Squad. " Thanks kid for letting me know about this in advance. It's a good thing you were there to overhear, but I'm not the most important starter out there." Paarthurnax told him.

The Popplio looked at him funnily. " But he's after you. You know what he did to my trainer. He'll do that to you." Pip told him. " I know, but let him come. He doesn't stand a chance against us even without me." Paarthurnax growled, clenching his paw.

" Plus, I'm not meant to survive this battle. The most important starter might as well be right under your own nose, Pip. Even if I die, he can't truly get rid of me." Paarthurnax said. " He can never get rid of justice."

Tudi growled. " No way, jackass. It's your turn to die. This exploration team isn't team A.C.T without Alakazam. It's just C.T." He acronymic told Tyranitar. " Now it will only be, C. Get ready to met your doom." Tudi growled at him.

" Eventually, you will met your doom. I hope it's soon, because I can't stand living without my smart leader." Tyranitar growled. " I will never met my doom. All Pokémon will bow down to me only, not Arceus." The Sandslash proclaimed.

" Never. I'll never let that happen!" Tyranitar exclaimed. " Prepare to get your guts out then." Tudi said. " You can never kill something without three coming back in spirit." Tyranitar told him.

The Sandslash growled. " Yes I can!" Then he leaped at the team A.C.T member. Tyranitar blocked the attack with ease. " We didn't become a team Gold member by just saving Pokémon, idiot. We also caught vicious criminals like you. Your pals are already in jail, and so will you. You will be caught." Tyranitar growled.

" Don't make me laugh. Even a gold rank member can't catch me. Even if I am an outlaw, I will never let myself be caught. I'm not a scaredy-Pikachu like those pathetic outlaws who run away before fighting. I'm not like those outlaws who pathetically make others fight their battles. I'll fight you and kill you. So who cares if those worthless good for nothings are caught? I'm not that pitiful." Tudi hissed as he caught Tyranitar by surprise and clawed his face.

Tyranitar roared. The top of his head now had a huge gash on it. Good roar in pain, weak Pokémon. I can easily kill you without trying. Tudi thought. He launched himself again at Tyranitar, but this time, Tyranitar wouldn't let him get him surprised.

Tyranitar caught his claws and threw him against a wall. Tudi growled as pain flared through his face and bones. Despite being stunned a little, he got up. He madly dashed at the rescue team member with fury. " I hate you!" He exclaimed as he punched the ground type in the face.

Tyranitar growled in fury. " You don't say." He sarcastically said. Suddenly, Tyranitar's maw opened up. Blue powers began to form there, a radiance resonating. Dragon Pulse. Tyranitar launches it at Tudi. It hits him in the face, partially blinding him for a moment. " Aah!" He cried out.

" You can't kill me. I'm a gold ranked member of a well known team. Back up is coming soon. So you should just give up this dumb and outrageous act you've been doing." Tyranitar told him.

Tudi only chuckled. " You're a bad liar. That was a bluff." He said. " So? It's still true. They're coming for you, and there's nothing you can do about it, eh? You're kind of blind now." " Don't underestimate me, dead one!" Tudi said as he blindly jumped at Tyranitar. Tyranitar easily dodged.

" Give up. You're still too blind to see me. I better defeat you now, instead of talking to you like you would actually listen to me." Tyranitar said. He used Earthquake. Tudi yelped, wanting to find something to hold onto, but there was nothing in sight.

A fist connected with his face. At that, Tudi grinned. Now was his chance. He was still half blinded by the Dragon Pulse move, but he could still feel. If he just hit what punched him, most likely Tyranitar, he could probably kill him sooner.

Tudi then used Metal Claw, and it hit something. A groan filled the air. Tyranitar. Perfect. Tudi thought as he heard a thump on the ground. He felt something stick at his feet. That was when his vision completely returned to him.

Tyranitar had a medium sized gash on his stomach. I could have done better, but still, he's screwed. Tudi heard more noises. He slipped out the back door to watch the show.

" Tyranitar!" A more surprised voice exclaimed. " No! Alakazam! I heard what Charizard told me, but I just couldn't believe what I've heard." A Dewott exclaimed.

" It's unfortunately true. Alakazam died in a fire, but the ruthless Tudi made sure he was dead. Made sure everyone here in this village was dead." Charizard told the middle evolution.

" That's despicable." Dewott breathed out. " That is why we just catch him at all costs. We've already caught an outlaw and her sidekick, but we need to catch Tudi. He's our main goal. He's even more deadly than that Flareon. He ruins children's lives." Charizard told the Dewott.

" Tudi isn't here." A Wartortle said. " He...escaped." Tyranitar weakly growled. " We need to get him medical help quick." A Chespin realized. Tudi just chuckled. " Soon." He said. " Soon I will make you die. The Starter Squad will die all thanks to me!" He laughed as he watched the dumb starters and Tyranitar leave. Though, Tyranitar has to be carried by Charizard who complained about it.

" Witness the death of the Starter Squad." He growled. " It will die. Pip must die. Tyranitar must die. Everyone who stands in my way must be eliminated, terminated, and dead." Tudi laughed evilly. " And no one will stand in my way." Tudi laughed.

Disclaimer: Paarthurnax is not my character and neither is the insane Flareon.

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