Chapter twenty

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This will be easy. Tudi thought. It didn't matter if the teacher was stronger. He would kill him before he could do anything about it. He always did. Plus this guy was incredibly slow. He would defeat him in the blink of an eye.

Tudi gnarred at Hubris. Hubris just moved his paws. " Go ahead. I'm waiting." Hubris stated. Tudi dug under the ground. Hubris only laughed, and elbowed his student. " Is this the same attack every time?" He asked Bucky.

Bucky shook his head. " His main attack is with his claws. Be careful." He whimpered. How pathetic, Tudi pondered under the ground. He jumped out of the ground, it felt like he was in slow motion when he did. Hubris slammed his tail into Tudi's side then.

Water sloshed onto Tudi. He yelped slightly. Aqua Tail. Tudi's attack was canceled due to the suddenness of the attack. " Look, I just want you to stop attacking my student. He might be bad, but you are way worse." Hubris told him, keeping Tudi's claws away from him as Tudi tried punching him.

" Hey!" Bucky shouted. " You are not evil, my student. Stop faking being evil. Being evil is not for you." Hubris said. " I don't have to listen to you!" Bucky screeched.

" Oh hush up, and let me handle the murderer for Arceus sake. Which is probably literally anyways." Hubris commented. " You can't handle me." Tudi brags. " What about us? We handle your stinky body." Witness asked, raising a wing.

" And your attitude." Tisa added. " I do not have an attitude, vixen." Tudi growled at her. " See?" Tisa giggled. " I don't see anything, but a distraction." Skliros said as he took out a tea set and started to drink. " What are you, British?" Lassie insulted.

" Stereotypical." Skliros whispered as he lifted what seemed to be a pinkie and slurped at the tea. Tudi rolls his eyes. " Weirdo." He said.

" Jackass." Skliros retorted. " Back to the battle. Enough distractions." Hubris said, trying to get the battle back on track. " Oh, hey look a distraction!" Witness called pointing a wing to a tree.

" What?" Hubris asked, falling for the silly Togekiss's plot, somehow. He looked at the tree. That's when Witness struck. She put her wing behind Hubris and started laughing. She put Lopbunny ears on him. " That's not funny." Bucky screeched. " Scree!" Witness mimed him.

That got Tudi to laugh. " Hey he does have a heart!" Tisa shouted. Tudi then glared at her. " I gotta be harder on you." He growled. " Shit. Is he gonna piss on us?" Lassie questioned. " I'll piss on you if you want." Witness stated.

" Ew, gross, Witness!" Boulder exclaimed. " My eyes!" Lassie cried out. " Is this even a battle anymore?" Hubris asked very confused. Tudi was about as confused as he was.

Are we the only ones confused at this? Tudi asked in his head. He wasn't able to think anymore now. Hubris decided to ignore the weird sidekicks of his and slammed his Aqua Tail on him again.

Not cool! Tudi thought before using Metal Claw, which did manage to hit the Slowking. He tried to do more damage, but the Slowking was more sly than he let on.

Both Pokémon tried to end it. Hubris with his Aqua Tail, and Tudi with his Metal Claw. Tudi dug in his claws as deep as he could. He wouldn't lose. He wouldn't allow himself to lose.

Hubris' tail clashed with Tudi's claws. Tudi And Hubris pressed hard, trying to out power each other. It didn't work like either planned out.

Tudi slammed into a tree. Hubris collapsed and fainted. " Hah! I win!" Tudi cried out as he closed his eyes. He could hear gasps as he fainted.

When he woke up, his eyes connected with another's he punched that Pokémon. It was Tisa. She barked and used Flameflower on him. Tudi yelped and put out the fire on his quills.

Hubris was watching him. Tudi shivered. Yeah. Shivered. Hubris was creepy. " Guess good and bad are tied. Does that mean being evil and being good is okay?" Bucky asked. " No it just means he's super effective against me. I'm still way more powerful than that slow asshat ever will be." Tudi said.

" Don't you have more important things to do than attack us?" Bucky asked him. " Nerp." Witness commented. " Not really." Tisa responded. " Harming you and your teacher is fun." Tudi growled, as he tried to dig a whole in Bucky's Metal Wings.

Bucky flew to the side. Tudi crashed. Bucky laughed. " You're so dumb." He scorned. " Enough. I will not stand for this foolishness any longer. We will leave them alone and they will leave us alone." Hubris stated.

He sounds way too wise. Tudi thought as he rolled his eyes. " We will most certainly not." He muttered. " You will or else." Hubris seemingly threatened. " Or else what?" Tudi teased.

" You will get more than water in your ears the next time I see you. How do you like a Hydro Pump?" Hubris asked him. Tudi shrugged. " Aimed at Tisa." He stated with a shrug of no concern.

" Hey!" Tisa shouted. " Come on, Bucky. Being a villain is no place for my student. Why can't you be more like Reina?" Hubris sighed as he grabbed Bucky by his wing like he was his father.

" Who's Reina?" Tudi asked with a very big smirk. " None of your Combee-Wax!" Bucky stated loudly. " By the way that he said that, you would think he likes her." Tisa snorted.

Tudi then had a great idea. Maybe not now or sometime soon, but in the future maybe he should kill this 'Reina' Hubris spoke so highly about.

It will be easy to break that Skyarmory's heart like Hubris breaking his quills. He smirked to himself and rubbed his paws.

Sometimes later indeed. But for now, he had more important matters to attend to. He put his recent thoughts to the side as he began to talk with his companions about what they would do in the future. What they would do, to hopefully destroy most of the starter squad members. And kill the one who killed his father.

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