Chapter six

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" Whoa! Fancy!" Witness whistled. " This is creepy." Tudi said. " You think thats crazy? Have you looked at yourself in the mirror?" Tisa mumbled.

Tudi ignored the dumbass fox. They all walked in. " Are you sure he's even here?" Witness asked, concern in her gaze. Her innocence was still there. Most of it.

" Scout out. Eon is ours for the killing." Tudi ordered. " Yes, claws." Tisa said running and looking at everyone's face. That was stupid because all the Pokémon had masks and she wasn't even looking at any Umbreon. She kept searching at bird's faces.

Like Murkrow. He tried pecking her eyes out, the one Murkrow there. " Get out of my face!" He called. Tisa ran away from the crazy bird. Witness wasn't even doing anything really productive. She just kept asking for Berry Punch.

Tudi face palmed. " Imbeciles. Do I have to do everything myself?" He asked himself. He scouted out the area. There was a point where a lady Pokémon asked him to dance. " No thanks." He growled. " I insist." She said. " I said no, and I mean no. How irritating are you women? I don't dance with Pokémon I don't like." He growled as he shoved her into a table and stalked off growling.

He continued his search. The search to murder, to kill Eon. Tudi frantically searched. It was actually not worriedly. It was evilly. Dangerously. Anything but worriedly.

A Pokémon was watching him. Tudi almost viciously began attacking him. It was an Umbreon. The question was, is this Eon? Not all Umbreon are Eon. Most umbreon looked alike.

The Umbreon approached him. Tudi contained himself from making a huge scene. " You know," The Umbreon said, sounding like Eon. " Most bad guys don't try making themselves look like heroes."

" Huh?" Tudi asked. He was being weird. This Umbreon. It probably was Eon. But he was trying to sound like someone he was not, but why?

" I mean, Tudi. You can't fool me. We both know I am the good guy and you are the bad guy." The Umbreon said. " That's a stupid mask." Is all Tudi said, claws ready to tear at this stupid eeveelution.

" You think it's stupid, but this serves a purpose. It makes me sound smart." Umbreon said. " You're Eon." Tudi growled. " That, my friend, is obvious. It is also the truth that you seek something you won't be able to receive. Even if I died, you wouldn't be revived of what you lost." Eon said.

" Stop trying to sound like someone you're not." Tudi growled, annoyed. " So you like me as my normal self?" Eon asked. " No!" Tudi said.

" You're getting really annoying." Tudi hissed, pointing a claw at Eon. " Tudi. I have an army the six of the Water Continent." Eon said. " You're bluffing." Tudi said, his teeth clenched.

He really hated this guy. " Maybe. But I could truly have an army the size of the Water Continent." Eon said. " You killed my 'father'. Prepare to die." Tudi growled.

" Prepare to die?" Eon asked, then snorted. " And here I was, thinking we were the best of friends." Eon said. He seemed to be hurt. What is wrong this Pokémon?

Tudi leaped at Eon. " We are not friends! I don't do relationships!" Tudi yelled, clawing Eon on the leg. " It seems you do to me." Eon said, blocking the next death blow with a paw.

" What do you mean?" Tudi growled. " that Togepi and Ninetails." Eon said, pointing with a paw. " You seem to have a relationship with them." Eon said. " You just made it sound creepy." Witness commented.

" Listen...I already told you. I. Don't. Do. Relation-ships." Tudi said slowly. For some whatever reason at those words, Eon's eyes became weirdly sad and his mouth quivered.

" Okay...What the hell is going on with you?" Tudi asked, creeped out. " Take that back! We are besties!" Eon said. " No!" Tudi yelled. " I've had enough, girls, attack him!" Tudi ordered. Tisa laughed. " This will be fun. I have never murdered an Umbreon before!" She cackled, sounding like a Mightyena.

" Yaaaaaaahhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!" Witness yelled, just trying to use her paws to attack Eon. Amused, Eon just put out a paw and pressed it against her head. Her attacks weren't getting to him.

" Is this your best idea?" He asked smoothly. " Oh please. My ideas are better than yours, wimp." Tudi said. " Wimp? Really? I'm not the one who ran away from my parents." He said. " I didn't run. I was abandoned you jerk!" Tudi yelled, his anger making him see red.

He leaped at the Umbreon once more. Eon just slid out of the way. " I can't move in this dumb super suit!" Tudi growled, ripping it apart. And at that, Tisa screamed. " Nooooo!!!! My beautiful art!" She wailed. Tudi then ripped both of the other costumes. Pokémon screamed.

" How dare you!" Tisa roared at Tudi, whacking him over his head. " You really want to die today?!" He yelled as he started chasing her. Witness just watched. She then blinked at Eon, noticing he was leaving. She shrugged and the Starter Squad was here by then.

" Uhhh. Guys, Eon left." She informed. " What?!" Tudi roared. " This is all your fault! That's it, I'm solo again!" Tudi roared. " If either of you bitches show your ridiculous faces to me ever again, I'll tear you both limb from limb!" He growled.

He ran outside. " Starter Squad! Tudi! Put your claws up!" A Turtwig said, in her paw was a police badge. " Just Stop!" He hissed, not taking another second to stick his claws into the Turtwig's back. She howled with pain and the light died in her eyes. Replaced with dullness.

He started running again, the Starter Squad on his tail. " Stop following me! I'll kill you all if you come any closer!" He basically howled, as he stabbed two starters at the same time, without thought. All the starters gasped. " Retreat! Too many have been taken down!" A Fennekin shouted. There were only six.

" I would have thought the Starter Squad was way smarter than that." He said as he escaped their dumb grasp. The other two Pokémon who got impaled died that day. A Froakie and a Charmander. All those who chase Tudi either get killed or seriously injured. Except Eon. He still lives.

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