Chapter eleven

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Tudi folded his arms as he faced the Darkrai. " What do you want?" He asked him. " I told you a million times that I'm not interested in teaming up with an idiot who could go in other's nightmares.

He wasn't in a nightmare, this was real life. A lot has happened recently, but he didn't bother to really do much recently. A Mudkip was walking besides them. Of course the Darkrai, Sklirós, was also with them. He didn't like the amount of Pokémon walking alongside him.

Especially the fucking Mudkip. Tudi wished he could just slice that Mudkip in half, but he was certain of something. Witness, who was now a togekiss was so called friends with this Pokémon.

And he was certain she would snap if he killed him. He was sure of it. That dumb Witness has a million weaknesses. He rolled his eyes. How can I get revenge for Pulse if these idiots are keeping me from it?

They were walking up a cold mountain because Sklirós claimed that walking up it would help somehow. Their mission was to find someone. Someone evil. An ice and ghost type.

Froslass. They would have to climb the mountain filled with ice types and possibly some dumb starters as well. This wasn't his plan. It was the stupid Darkrai. There was something off with this Darkrai, but he couldn't tell what it was about him that made him suspicious of why he wanted to help them.

" We're gonna need a whole lot of these." Witness commented as she pulled out an Aspear berry.

" Aspear berries?" Boulder questions, his black paws pressing against the berry that she was handing him. " Yeah. This is a frozen mountain. So we're gonna need them, right?" Witness asked.

" Wrong?" She questions herself. " Right?" She asked. She seemed to have an argument against herself. " No. There is only actually one ice type there, and we are going to get her to help." Sklirós told them.

" How? Won't she freeze us solid?" Tisa asked. " She is known for that, but she won't once she knows it's me." Sklirós told them. " How many idiots do you know?" Tudi questions him.

"Only a few. I do happen to know some very stupid and flirty Sableye. Don't ask. I swear he was gay." Sklirós commented.

" Are we going to climb this mountain? Or stand here freezing? Because if we aren't, then that's my cue to go." Tisa growled harshly.

It's probably just her being a fire type. Used to the heat and not the cold. Or maybe it was because she hates water and snow is water.

" Relax. Relax." Sklirós told her, making Tudi a bit angry and confused with why he was mad. Sklirós. There was just something about him that made Tudi want to kill him despite his aid in their journey.

" I don't think climbing is safe. It looks too cold." Boulder told them. " Oh boo hoo. Suck it up. You're the one who can survive in this kind of thing." Tudi growled at him, moving his claws a little bit.

" Well, Yeah, but...I-I'm not sure if we should do this. Witness is weak to Ice Types, and I don't know if we can hike all the way up there." Boulder told them, getting more quiet as he went on with his sentence.

Witness gave him a glare. Man, my trick really worked on her. Tudi thought, laughing in his head quite a bit.

" I can handle myself, idiot." She growled at him. " I-I know. I-I just...c-can't stop..." the little Pokémon began, holding his head a little. " Ugh. Never mind. You hate me." Boulder commented.

Tudi laughed on the inside. I hoped he would break. Maybe now he will leave us alone and not try to help us, despite being a burden in the plan.

" Oh I wouldn't say that, but I do say that you are being a bit of a worrywart my friend." Sklirós told him. Boulder sighed. He looked up the mountain. " So you really need help from a Pokémon who thinks it's funny to encase Pokémon in ice?" The Mudkip asked, swallowing.

" Well, She is a pal of mine. She will understand." Sklirós told him. " Well, what are we waiting for? Death? Come on! The sooner we recruit this Froslass girl the sooner we can all do whatever we want to." Tudi growled.

He walked to the entrance. " Why do you want to destroy the Starter squad?" Boulder asked all of a sudden. " You really want to know before we leave?" He asked the small starter.

Boulder nodded. Honestly, Tudi thought that they had told the little this story like forty times.

" Because," He snarled. " Pip destroyed my life the day he murdered my father. Plus they're just annoying nuisances who can barely do the job better than those Arcanines and Growlithes." He told him.

" Do you want to destroy me?" He asked. " That depends, are you going to join the Starter squad after this?" Tudi challenged. " Never. My dad controls my life so much as it is. If it keeps me away from Witness at all, then I won't do it." Boulder commented.

Man this idiot is way to loyal. I think I want to throw up. Tudi thought. " Well, then no. I guess I don't want to kill you then. Unless you press more of those questions and be anymore stupidly careful." Tudi growled at him.

" Get you're head out of the clouds, Boulder." Witness growled at him. Boulder tried to make himself shrink.

Tudi charged through the entrance to the disastrous dungeon. His eyes gleamed with malice. I can't wait to go back and kill him. He thought.

If we have this froslass, then I may finally be able to take down the squad. Freezing Paarthurnax will cause a whole lot of damn trouble.

I love it. I can't wait. He thought with a smile as he slashed every Pokémon that got in his way in half. Soon, the world will bow down to us outlaws, and nothing will ever stop us from getting what we want. He thought.

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