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The darkness is always around. It never leaves me. It's either surrounding me or is within me when Sir calls for me. I don't like the darkness. It scares me. It's long fingers curl and pull at me.

I can't escape it.

Somebody save me. Bryson save me.

"Bryson, where are you? Why haven't you come to get me? Who are you?" I whisper into the darkness of the room.

I don't know who Bryson is. I don't know if he's a figment of my imagination or from a time before this one. I wish he would come to save me. I don't want to be in the dark room anymore or with Sir. Both bring a pain and sorrow that never stops. Please save me Bryson, who ever you are.

The dark room, my only solitude from Sir, is cold and dark. The walls, slabs of cold cement are solid with no cracks and no windows. Sir only brings me out during the night. I haven't seen the sun in forever. I want to see it's beautiful glow and feel the endless warmth provided instead I feel only the coldness of my room and the house this room was in.

The door opens and I shuffle to the furthest corner not wanting to go with Sir. He stands in the door way that smirk on his face as he walks slowly forward his leather boots echoing against the walls. His black hair is cut close to his head, his teeth a pearly white, and sharp with the danger that emits off of him.

"Everett," he whispers. He grabs the chain connected to the collar around my neck and yanks, causing my body to lurch forward and scrape against the floor. The collar burns into my skin. His smirk widens and he pulls my face up so it's mere inches from his, "Time to play."

He pulls me across the floor and into the hall. The hall is nearly as dark as the dark room and I don't stop Sir. I've learned that trying to get away makes play time worse. He drags me past the other men of the house that grin as we past. They know just as well as I do what is to happen.

Sometimes Sir let's them partake. Those are always the worst times. I'm left bleeding. Bruised. Broken.

There's no solitude here. No rescue. No peace.

"Everett, are you excited?" Sir says. He looks back excited. I don't reply. I can't reply. Fear spreads through my veins like ice and my eyes widen.

I'm scared Bryson. Save me.

I plead for this unknown man to save me everyday. But he doesn't come. He doesn't hear. How can I possibly get away from Sir?

I imagine Bryson to be tall and muscular. His blue grey eyes, piercing yet holding a kindness and love that I will only ever see. His dirty blonde hair will be wavy and be cute when it's messy like he just woke up and extremely handsome when gelled back.

This is how I escape for slight moments in time. I imagine this secret man and the life I wish I could have if it weren't for the darkness that was brought onto me.

My face stings with pain as Sir slaps me. "Answer me!" He yells as he grabs my face, leaving the imprints of his finger tips on my skin.

"Yes sir, I'm excited," my voice is hoarse and emotionless. I can't say I'm not excited. Last time I did I wasn't given food and the punishment was one of the worst. Now I say I'm excited yet it is the scariest moments in my life. I say what Sir wants to hear. I never know how far Sir will go. Will the darkness consume me by the end of play time?

"Good, that's a good girl." He grabs my hair and yanks my head to the side his lips going to my neck. I sit frozen not moving and not making a sound. He bites on my neck leaving bruises and drawing blood that dribbles down my neck and onto the thin white dress I wear.

He grabs the chain and continues to drag me into his room. The room is dark and there is a window. The black blinds are open slightly and see a glimpse of the full moon. It's iridescent glow beautiful and pure. Nothing like me. He throws me onto the bed and I close my eyes. The yank of the chain makes my eyes widen as he crawls on top of me.

"Remember, pet, you are not to close your eyes. If you do you will be punished." His eyes glow an eerie red in the dark.

I stare at the ceiling. At these times, I zone out and think about the only happy memory that I can think of. I'm in the woods in a beautiful clearing with a small water fall. A small boy maybe a couple years older then me is in the clearing too. He has dirty blonde hair and grey blue eyes.

Maybe this is where Bryson was conjured in my mind. In my time of escape maybe I changed this boy, into the vision Bryson.

The boy turns into a black wolf and runs around. Nudging my cheek with his cold snout. I can still feel the slight cool nose as it ran across my cheek before the wolf's hot tongue licked the length of my face making me cringe. "Aww come on ****** you know that's gross." I can't remember the name of the boy anymore.

The wolf doesn't stop and pushes me to the ground licking all over my face. I can't help but laugh. The wolf then stops and lays it's head on my stomach. I lay in the grassy clearing the wolf's head on my stomach as I scratch it's ears, bathing in the warm sunlight as it streams through the branches of the trees surrounding the clearing.

Sir throws me to the ground and kicks me in the stomach. "You're useless! Like a limp fish. If you're not going to please me this way then we are going to the dungeons!"

"Please don't Sir. I don't want to go to the dungeons!" I struggle and try to get away as he pulls me by the collar down the hall.

He punches me in the face and snarls, "Too late!" and continues to drag me down the dark hall to the thick steel door that leads to the dungeons before throwing me down the stairs.



Hello everyone, I hope you all enjoyed the first chapter of The Alpha's Lost Mate. If you have read My Alpha Bryson you will notice it is very different and I hope you won't be disappointed by the changes I am making to the story. I see them for the better and I hope you do too. Considering the first part was the Introduction I suspect I won't reach the goal so I decided to post chapter one so that you guys can see if you enjoy the story. Also I was really excited to get this book started.

Also this chapter is dedicated to @Cityofbones12345 for being the first to vote on the Introduction. Thank you for voting!

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Reads Goal: 25 total reads

Comment Goal: 5 comments (not including mine)

Vote Goal: 5 votes

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