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Running in wolf form is harder than I thought is was going to be. I slowed everyone down when we first started. My legs were shaky and would fall out from beneath me like a new born fawn. I was clumsy at first, my legs becoming tangled with one another and I would trip. Bryson and Logan always helped me stand and keep my pace until I became more confident. Soon I was keeping speed with Logan and Bryson fine but I was becoming tired a lot faster than they were. They've had years of training in endurance while I just shifted less than two days ago. Trying to travel nearly a days worth of running after just shifting was nearly impossible.

Bryson had sent the majority of the wolves home with the head warrior but instructed them not to tell Alpha, Luna, or my parents that I had shifted. They wanted to keep it surprise. Most wolves shift for the first time between the ages of three and six. Alphas and Betas shift around the age of three so they can become accustomed to the power and instructs. Bryson was one of the ones that shifted at three. In my dreams when I was still being held by Archer Bryson was in wolf form for some of them. I remember Logan telling me that he shifted a few days after my disappearance as his anger and sorrow pushed his wolf to surface.

Liliana stayed with us and leads Manola's witches as they fly above us. Manola opted to shift into her striking deer form and run with us. She is so graceful as she runs beside us, standing taller than Bryson with her massive antlers.

Bryson signals for us to rest near a small lake and I hurry over to the edge and drink water. I see my wolf form reflected in the water for the first time. She's beautiful. White with black speckled all throughout her coat. Her one ear is all black and it flicks involuntarily as it takes in all the sounds around us. Bryson takes a drink beside me before rubbing my necks with his nose. I nip his ear and tackle him to the ground. I lay beside him and he licks the top of my head before shifting. He covers himself with clothes that Liliana throws down to him.

"Everett do you want to ride on my back for the rest of the way? We still have a long ways before we get back to the pack and your wolf is already exhausted. You did so well for your first long distance run." Bryson brushes his hand over my head and I nod sleepily.

Bryson grabs clothes for me from Liliana and a blanket. I shift easily before changing and wrapping myself in a blanket. Bryson kisses me softly before shifting back into wolf form and lowering himself for me to climb on his back. I hold onto his fur tightly before he starts off in a light jog before picking up speed.

I fall asleep at some point and wake up to someone lifting me off of Bryson. I groan and reach for him. "It's okay sweetie, I got you," I hear my dad whisper as he carries me.

I grumble but can't bring myself to open my eyes as I snuggle into my dad. I'm brought to my room with Bryson and tucked in. I can smell Bryson's scent as I snuggle into his pillow. Dad kisses my forehead before I fall back into deep sleep.


I wake up to screaming outside. Lots of screaming. Bryson is already out of bed and running to my side to lift me up.

"What's happening Bryson?" I ask worried.

"Rogues have attacked the houses on the southern side of the pack and are heading to the pack house. I need to get you, our mother's and everyone to the safe room." Bryson says and picks me up. "All women and children to the safe room!" He yells before I can sense him repeating it in the pack link. I haven't gone through the Luna Ceremony so I can't hear the pack link. Only sense it through my bond with Bryson.

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