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I wake up to the sound of whimper. I sit up and look at Everett. Blood dribbles down her chin, out of her mouth. She opens her eyes and looks at me tears rolling down her eyes. She tries to say something but can't. A gurgling sound just burst from her lips. 

"It's alright," I rush out and sit her up. "It's going to be alright."

Jane, Nile! Get in here now! Everett is bleeding! I mind link them and rush to comfort Everett as she's starts to panic. Tears fall from her eyes fast like a river and she gags. Blood spews from her lips as she coughs. What's wrong with her? 

"Alpha! What happened?" Jane shouts walking in. 

"I just woke up to her whimpering and she had blood coming from her mouth. Help her!" I say urgently. 

"Nile get the solution ready." Jane calls over her shoulder but it appears that he is already preparing something. He brings it over seconds later, a black liquid inside a syringe. 

"What is that?" I ask stepping in front of Nile so he can't get to her. 

"This is a mixture of herbs that Jane and I have been working on to help treat and get rid of Wolves Bane in the system. Alpha, I need you to move. If we don't treat Everett soon she will die." His words shock me into action and I move away quickly to her other side. 

He moves beside Everett and takes her arm. She panics and tries to move. She looks at me as blood continues to leak from her mouth. She gurgles and her face is turning red. She's having trouble breathing. 

"It's okay, Everett. They are going to help you. The stuff they are injecting in you is going to stop the bleeding and make you better. I'll be here with you." I rub her hair back and wrap and arm around her to keep her still. 

I kiss the top of her head has he sticks the needle in her arm and injects the black liquid in her. She tenses before screaming in pain. Her screams are accompanied my gurgles as she chokes on her own blood. 

I grab Nile by the neck and bring him against the neck. "What did you do?!"

"I'm sorry Alpha, if I would've told you you wouldn't have let me do it." Nile says calmly, not looking at me. I see red and tighten my grip. 

Jane runs over and pleads but I just look at Nile, feeling my wolf trying to take control and rip this man apart. 

"What. Did. You. Do?" I emphasize every word and growl close to his face. 

"The mixture of herbs are poisonous," I tighten my grip and growl loudly. 

"Please Alpha, the only way to get rid of all the Wolves' Bane is with poison." Jane says. 

I loosen my grip and take a step back, my hand curled at my side. "I should kill you for not telling me." 

"Bryson," Everett whimpers and I rush over. 

"Hey, hey. It's alright, you're going to be alright," I whisper and kiss her forehead. "The doctors had to inject you with poisonous herbs in order to get rid of the Wolves Bane. It will go away soon I promise. We are going to heal you all up."

"Bryson," Everett whipers again. "Stay with me. Please don't go away."

"I won't," I tell her looking her straight in the eyes, "I'll stay right here."

Everett manages to fall asleep despite the cloud of pain I can sense is surrounding her mind. She looks beautiful despite the smearing blood around her mouth and down her neck. She whimpers every now and then but remains asleep in my arms. 

Nile and Jane start to clean up. Some of Everett's blood on them. I can't stand to look at it. Everything that Everett went through when in that wretched place. I can't imagine what she's been through. I can't think about that now though. She needs me to be strong for her. Once she is strong enough both physically and mentally we will be able to be happy. 

Nile walks over with a wet hand towel. "Alpha, you should clean the blood off of her. When she wakes up we should consider getting her some real food and a bath."

"Thank you for helping my mate Nile. But if you every make such as drastic decision without my consent when it comes to the life of my mate. I will kill you." I take the towel and begin to wipe the blood off of Everett's face and neck. 

"Understood Alpha," Nile smiles and walks over to his mate. They share a hug before resuming to clean up the room. 

I manage to get most of the blood off of Everett before she wakes up from the sensation. She smiles and lifts a hand up to my face and rests her cool palm against my cheek. I hold it in place and move my nose to her palm and breath deeply. 

Despite the overlaying stale smell that that has settled on to her skin I can still smell her natural sent of vanilla and patchouli. A smell I will never get tired of. I kiss her palm and smile at her. She stares into my eyes contently. I can see every emotion that dances in her eyes. The biggest is happiness. 

"The doctors said we need to try and get you some real food and possibly a bath," I tell her and brush the last bit of blood off of her cheek.

Her body stiffens when I say the word bath. She looks at me fearfully. She shakes her head and tears threaten to fall. 

"Hey hey. Don't cry. Okay no bath but we do need to clean you up. We'll give you a shower. That way you don't have to fill the tub. It's like the sprinkler we used to play in as kids. Do you remember that?" I ask her trying to change the subject. I won't bring up the bath until she's more mentally stable. Something must of happened to her when she was kidnapped involving baths. 

I don't know what happened but I will find out. Once, I find out I will have do everything in my power to help Everett have better memories and get over fears. Nothing will ever hurt her again. 


Hello everyone, we have almost reached 400 reads and that is amazing. I'm sorry I haven't updated in a while but I am a university student and it is exam season. I am officially done my first year at university on Wednesday so updates will be more regular. 

This week I found out the most amazing news and that is.... I was accepted into the Creative Writing Program at my school. To me this is amazing because it is one step closer to completing my dream of becoming a published author. Because of this amazing news I decided to finish this chapter today instead of next weekend. 

Thanks for reading. I hope you enjoyed this installment of The Alpha's Lost Mate. 

|Chapter Questions and Goals|

Number of Reads: 400 reads

Number of Votes: 32 votes

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