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After my time in the dungeon, Sir didn't come back to my room for three days. The door didn't open either. Water was poured on the floor and flowed from the small crack under the door. 

I licked it up like a dog, unable to stop the thirst that clawed at my throat or the hunger that pierced my stomach. It was never ending in this darkness. Never ending pain. I wanted it to stop. I wanted it to end. 

I laid in the same spot not wanting to move and not able to either. My body covered in bruises, deep cuts, finger prints, and Sir. Wolves Bane coursed through my veins making the slightest movement scorch and burn through me like a fire. Breathing was becoming hard as the Wolves Bane infected me and made me unable to move but continued to scorch and burn trails through my body. 

Wolves Bane is one of Sir's favourite methods to hurt me. The endless pain lasts days after. I don't think the Wolves Bane really ever leaves my body. I feel the constant scorch, but after a while I can move at least. 

My stomach burns and blood gushes into my mouth and onto the floor. This always happen with Wolves Bane. It's slowly eating me from the inside. Sir knows not to inject too much. Sadly. 

The door opens and I manage to drag myself an inch to try and get away but to no avail. Sir steps on my back directly on top of a gash he created days ago. A short scream erupts from my mouth. 

"Shut up!" Sir barks and kick my head. 

I see two other people standing in the door way. Fear and hope wracks my body. What are they doing hear? Please save me. Bring me to Bryson. Where ever he is? Who ever he is?

"Jackson, Chase meet my dearest Everett. Isn't she beautiful?" Sir grabs the chain and yanks me to face the people. The Wolves Bane scorches though my body and a whimper escapes my mouth. 

"Everett, meet Jackson and Chase. They are interested in what I do. Aren't you excited? They were wronged like me and want revenge." Sir says rubbing my cheek with his rough thumb. I never understand what he means by he was wronged. He never goes into specifics. 

"Yes, she's quite beautiful. How long have you been working on her?" The one on the left says. He's shorter then the other, with curly brown hair, steely green eyes, and muscular body. 

The other one is taller by a couple of inches, thinner, with greying hair and blue eyes. They aren't as steely and are almost soft. I look into his eyes and plead with my own. I try to convey the pain I feel. The want to escape I feel. The sorrow. The fear. The darkness. I want to convey it all. 

His eyes soften and glisten and he has to force himself to look away and harden his gaze. 

"I've had her for fourteen years," Sir smirks almost proudly and grips my hair. He strokes my cheek as well. I tremble as pain courses through body as the slightest touch and I whimper. "She's very obedient, most of the time. Though she misbehaved the other day and she's still recovering from our last session."

"Do you mind talking about your methods? I'm very interested," Chase says with a smirk. 

"Yes of course," Sir smiles and let's me go. I try to move by can't and just stare at the small puddle of blood that is illuminated by the door light. 

"I find that Wolves Bane is very effective. It never really leaves the body and leaves them in pain even after you have finished. As shown with Everett here. I inject Wolves Bane directly into her blood stream and then use Wolves Bane tipped knifes to leave scarring and make it the most painful."

A gasp comes from one of them and I look up and see Jackson starring at me with his mouth open. His eyes hold questions and anger. And sadness. Out of all the questions I see in this man's eyes the biggest question of how have I survived and if I will survive much longer shine the brightest. 

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