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The rogues attacked as soon as I left Everett with Jamie and Logan. I know I can trust them to with her. I growl orders at the warriors and we work to defeat the rogues. There are more rogues then I thought. But we defeat them fast, leaving some to be interrogated before we kill them.

"Shift." I command with the Alpha tone that no wolf other than my mate and other alphas can go against, rogue or not.

There bones pop and realign forcefully revealing two feral males. There facial hair is ragged and unkept. Their body odour extreme and I can see yellow teeth as they clench and their upper lips lift in sneers.

"Why are you attacking us?" I say with a commanding tone.

"Following orders. The Alpha of the Blood Moon Pack offered us a taste of the one he wants if we were to capture him for her." The bigger of the two says not a single hint of fear in his eyes.

I walk up to him, grabbing his throat and growling loudly. "You will not touch my mate. You will pay with your life for even thinking about my mate in such a way." I'm losing control of my wolf so I snap the wolves neck to sooth my wolves need for blood and need to defend our mates honour. His body falls lifelessly to the ground.

"From what the boss said the girl would be willing to give us a taste." The other wolf chuckles darkly and doesn't move to lower his gaze when I look at him.

"Who is your boss?" I ask darkly and move to stand over him.

"Alpha Archer of the Blood Moon Pack." The wolf doesn't live for a second longer because I snap his neck in one quick movement.

Alexander walks up to me and sets his hand on my shoulder, grounding me. I take deep breathes and pull the reins back on my wolf. I envision a leash around my wolf and I pull on it, reining him in and gaining back the control that I need to think straight.

"We know the Blood Moon Pack is gathering rogues now. We have that much information." Alexander says, stepping away.

I'm about to reply when a scream echoes through the forest saying my name. "BRYSON!!!"

I bolt to the clearing in wolf form to where Everett is. My heart is pounding, blood rushing through my ears. That was Everett. Her scream was full of terror. Were the rogues from before a distraction for others to sneak around and attack Everett head on.?

I won't let them take my mate away from me again. I bolt into the clearing. Logan and Jamie are both on the ground wounded, Jamie more so then Logan.

Two dead wolves are also in the clearing, their bodies full of cuts and bites.

In front of my whimpering mate is a witch. Her hair is as blue as the clearest lake and falls down her back almost to the ground in curls. Her wand is in her hands and slightly pointed towards the ground where the second body of the rogue is dead.

I run and stand over to mate growling. My lips are pulled back showing my canines, drool dripping down onto the ground. The witch's eyes are the lightest blue and are almost white. They make me shudder and crouch lower to Everett. Her cloak hid a stick like body from behind but from the front one can see how skinny her arms and legs are.

"Calm yourself wolf. I just saved your mate did I not?" The witch's voice off puts me as it seems to dig into my skin.

I growl and turn to Everett and lick her cheek. She hugs my neck and cries lightly into my fur. I whimper and nuzzle her before turning back to the witch. I shift, hiding my nudity with the blanket Everett has.

The Alpha's Lost MateWhere stories live. Discover now