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Five years ago

"How many times have I told you Ella that you are not allowed off of clan lands?" Liliana yells at me as I stand in front of her, my head down as I stare at my feet. We are inside of her office.

"I'm sorry Lili." I whisper in response, even though I'm not.

I had had a dream last night of a wolf. A wolf with brown fur and striking green eyes. His shoulders were broad as he stood on the edge of a cliff and howled at the full moon. His howl was sad and lonely and if I was a wolf I would have stood next to him and howled with him to ease the sadness and take away the loneliness.

I had seen this wolf before. I had been flying out of the clan lands... again ... and had wondered too far. I got lost and grew tired. I landed in a tree and waited knowing that Liliana or the other witches would find me eventually.

A wolf came running by and I stayed silent. My sister had never said anything bad about the werewolves but the other witches told me stories of how the werewolves are savage creatures that take little girls in the middle of the night. I don't think it was true and they just said that to scare me but I'm not sure.

This wolf was smaller then the others I have seen during my adventures so I'm guessing he is younger maybe my age. His fur is the softest of brown and his eyes I can see are green like the leaves, not the red I have been told they are by witches.

The wolf doesn't take notice of me when he jogs under the tree I am sitting in and I decide to follow him. He whines occasionally as he runs and stops at the edge of a cliff. He howls loudly at the sky and whines as he bends his head down. I can see a tear run down his furry cheek as he howls loudly again. I want to go over there and comfort him but I can't. Fear drips me. Werewolves are unpredictable when they are in a good mood, let alone suffering like this one.

I watch the wolf cry to the sky before he calms down and just sits there. I stay in the tree and see another wolf come and walk next to him. This wolf is a little bigger and black as night. He nudges and yips at the brown wolf who stands up and shakes. He nudges the black one back and they leave the clearing. I follow them until a group of witches circles me and leads me back to clan lands and away from the wolves.

"Are you even listening to me Ella?" Liliana sternly asks, breaking me away from the memory.

I jolt up and stare up at Liliana. Her blue eyes are filled with annoyance and she lifts a hand to run her hand through her wild white hair. Her beautiful hair is the colour of snow, while mine is dirty, grey version of hers. Her skin is a beautiful milk chocolate shade of brown while mine is more dark beige, like parchment that has had coffee spilt on it. Liliana is so beautiful and powerful. She is the clan leader after all. I'm nothing compared to Liliana when it comes to beauty and power. I was behind in learning my spells. I focused more on flying and exploring outside the clan lands, which goes against what Liliana wants.

"I'm sorry Lili." I repeat and stare at her. "I was practicing my flying and started day dreaming. I didn't realize that I got off of pack lands."

"You're not allowed to go flying by yourself any longer." Liliana says sternly and turns around to walk to her desk.

"No! You can't do that." I say shocked and walk to her desk, slamming my hands on it as she sits down. She rubs her temples as if she has a headache coming on. She probably does.

"Ella, I can't trust you to go flying by yourself anymore. You are always going off of clan lands. You need to focus on your spells and potion making. You've fallen behind from the other witches. If anything ever happens to me before I have children, you will have to take over my position. You need to know everything that has to do with our magic." Liliana tries to reason with me but I am too angry.

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