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I look down at the pool of water and see Everett and Bryson embracing before they fall asleep. She's shifted, with a little help from my influence. Anil stands behind me but he cannot see the same thing I do. He just sees a crystal pool. I had to influence Everett's wolf these past few weeks to rise to power. Everett will have to face Archer soon and without her wolf she has no chance of survival. She was not strong enough until now to face her demons. But now after she stood in front of Archer with her mate, she can accept the great power that is a wolf and defeat him.

I wave my hand over the pool and the image switches to the two witches that Manola. Leta and Nora are cloaked from any humanly being seeing them as they follow Archer. Being a heavenly body as I am, they cannot cloak themselves from me. They keep a somewhat safe distance from Archer but they should be farther.

Anil takes a slight step closer to me as I watch intently. I can feel his warm presence against my back but I can't focus on it too much. I need to focus on Leta and Nora as they track Archer. I feel a sense of dread fill my stomach as Archer stops in the middle of a clearing. Based on the dark area in my reach that is being blocked by dark witches he is still a few miles from his protective area.

Something is wrong.

"Did you witches really think you could follow me and I not notice?" Archer turns just his head to look at the two witches in his peripherals. He shouldn't be able to see them. They are cloaking themselves.

Leta and Nora looked shocked as they take a step back, the cloaking gone. Their faces read fear as they make the realization that he shouldn't be able to see them. I already have the suspicion that he has likely had the dark witches of the southern clan put curses on him so that his abilities are sharpened. He could likely smell them and sense their magical energy from the moment they began following him.

I don't have any power in stopping Archer but I can influence some decisions. I focus on Leta and Nora and focus on their aura. I need to influence them to run away. If they don't turn away and try to make a run for it they will die.

They take the influence well and turn to start flying. Archer senses the shift in their magical energy and moves before they can even get off the ground. His claws are razor sharp and I can see something sprout from his back. They look like an extra set of arm but they are razor sharp and the deepest black like his eyes are now.

He kills Nora instantly, one of the arms stabbing through her like she wasn't even there. A scream tears through my lips as I feel the connection to Nora rip away from me. My breath comes out in pants and Anil wraps an arm around me holding me steady. I can't rip my eyes away from the pool where the horrifying scene unfolds.

I can faintly hear Anil asking me what's wrong and what's going on but I can't answer him.

The arm bends and wraps around Leta's neck. Lifting her into the air. He cackles as she struggles to get out of grip using her last strength to try and throw a destruction spell down the expanse of the arm but it just expands and absorbs the spell.

"Before I kill you and leave you hear to rot, do you have any last words?" Archer cocks his head to the side like a lost puppy. He's insane. How could my mother moon goddess allow for his soul to be born?

Before I was born and the previous moon goddess, my mother, was reunited with the moon for eternity, she looked at this soul and at the different futures he had and still allowed him to be born after seeing this future. How could she do that?

"Mistress Manola and our allies will defeat you, you sick son of a bitch!" Leta growls.

Archer tsks and his eyes darken impossibly more before he snaps her neck with a quick flick of his eyes and throws her into a tree. "That was the wrong thing to say." The black arms retract back into his back. What has he done to himself?

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