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After dinner, we retire to our rooms for the night. Bryson is holding me close. I say good night to Logan as we enter our room which he returns, telling me he will see me in the morning. I change and lay down rubbing my tummy as it cramps up once again. It's been doing that all day.

"Does your stomach hurt?" Bryson asks as he sits beside me.

"Just a little. Its been cramping up all day once in a while. I don't know why." I say.

"I'm sure it's just from you eating more recently. You're body isn't used to consuming so much food. It will take some time for you to become more accustomed to eating large portions again." Bryson says and places his hands on my lower stomach and rubs gently. The cramping lessens in my stomach and I relax under Bryson's gentle hands. "Is that better?"

"Much. Thank you." I whisper and close my eyes as he continues to gently massage my stomach, keeping the cramps away.

Bryson leaves to take a shower and I drift into a soft slumber, waking only when I felt Bryson lay back in bed and wrap his arm around my stomach holding me close. "Good night Little One. I love you."

"I love you too." I whisper and curl into a ball against him falling back to sleep.

The next morning I wake up to something wet and sticky between my legs. I sit up and notice I am bleeding between my legs. Blood is smeared red against my thighs and has stained the sheets beneath me. I whimper and my heart rate increases. I'm panicking. I need to take deep breathes and to remain calm. I can't though.

"Everett, what's wrong?" Bryson says sleepily but I can't bring myself to calm down enough to calm down. Bryson takes note of the blood and inhales sharply. He runs to the door and yells for Logan. "Logan! Get the pack doctor. Everett is bleeding!"

Logan looks frantically at me from the door and I can see the internal struggle he is having of whether to obey his Alpha's orders or to stay and see what is wrong with his sister. He obeys Bryson and runs to find a pack doctor. Bryson comes back into the room and holds me close.

"You're going to be okay. I promise." Bryson looks at me in the eyes and presses his forehead against mine. "Hey, hey. Take a deep breath. In and out. In and out." I take deep breathes with Bryson and I feel my heartrate turn less frantic and I feel myself calming. "That's good."

"What's happening to me?" I whisper.

"I don't know Little One. But we are going to find out. The doctor and Logan are on their way." Bryson says and kisses me.

Logan and the doctor come to the room quickly and close the door, trying to not cause a commotion. The doctor is a women probably in her late thirties with light brown hair and eyes. She rushes over to me takes one look at the bed and looks to Bryson.

"Alpha Bryson, I need to take your mate into the bathroom." The doctor says and Bryson looks weary before nodding.

The doctor takes me to the bathroom and I can hear Bryson and Logan walk to the door and wait outside as the doctor talks to me. I sit on the toilet my shorts and underwear, thrown away and a towel over me for modesty.

"Luna Everett my name is Doctor Cornelia. I need you to tell me if you ever experienced this before." When I shake my head she touches her chin. "Were you feeling cramping in your lower stomach before this happened?"

"Yeah, last night my stomach was all crampy. Bryson thought it might be because I'm not used to eating as much as I have." At the doctor's questioning look, I tell her about Archer and the Blood Moon Pack and that I went through. She nods and I can see her thinking. Her eyes seem to blur and I know she is mind linking someone.

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