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I stare into the water that trailed down the fountain and down towards the Earth. The water, the colour of crystals, seemed to glimmer like a rainbow in the setting sun. I heard heavy footsteps and assumed my guards were coming to escort me to my chambers. The chambers were my prison. I am bound to this land until I am called back to the moon.

Anil has light grey eyes and blonde hair. When he smiles he has a dimple on his left cheek. He wears all black, the guard uniform, but a silver belt sits on his waist. The sign of him being my head guard. Anil is the most trusted of all of my guards. I have known him since I came into being. He's been my only friend since I arrived here. He was killed in his mother's womb and my mother saw it fit to have him reborn here on the floating island to be my companion.

"They are leaving for the Western Witch Clan in the next couple of days. They're prophet will be contacting me soon for the message. The prophecy is as it was told. A werewolf will have a witch for a mate once more." I say as I peer into the water and look over the vision of Alpha Bryson of the Lupus Pack discussing his plan with the witch leader Liliana of the Northern Witch Clan.

Mates were a gift from the Moon Goddess herself, a gift from me. I paired every mate together, so that they may be happy. I give them eternal love that every person deserves from another. But because I am the Moon Goddess I do not get a mate. The Moon Goddess may pair up mates but she shall never have one of her own.

"Will they be able to save the girls that were taken?" One of the heavenly prophets behind me asks.

"I cannot be sure. Archer has found a way to block my vision. I can only see bits and pieces. I know the girls are alive right now but for how long I know not." The heavenly prophet leaves after this. If I cannot see through his block they will not be able too.

"Lunette, time to go." Anil says, coming up to me, holding his arm out. Only Anil can call me by my name. It causes shivers down my spine and butterflies in my stomach.

"Anil can I please stay out for a little while longer? You know of all people should know I don't like being locked away in my room," I say, turning around. The room where I am locked almost every minute. The room where the moon and I become one, the room where I am away from Anil. As I've grown older the moon has called me to her more and more often. On some days, I can't even leave my room.

Anil is the thorn to my rose and the light to my moon. He understands me completely. He's the closest thing I have to a family in this place.

Anil looks at me sadly before walking a bit closer. "Lunette let's go on a walk," he says, pulling me forward gently.

My dress made of moonlight trails behind me as I walk, clutching Anil's arm. I love the walks that I take with Anil. They bring back memories of back when Anil and I were children and I wasn't forced to be in my room.

"Anil what is a mommy?" My six-year-old self asked. I had the word said many times around the castle and in my classes.

"Well, a mommy is the person that takes care of you. She will love you. No matter what you do or what happens," he explained, his legs swinging over the edge of bench clad in shorts and a t-shirt. Anil had just come from training. I knew this. He is my best friend. And he stinks.

"Where's my mommy?" I asked aloud. More to myself then Anil. I never had anybody that loved me and took care of me it felt.

I was just someone they could lock up and come out when I had to learn. I barely got to see Anil, only when I was aloud out of my room and he wasn't in his classes and training. I've been told that Anil is being trained to become my personal guard and that he would protect me when I was older.

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