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"We didn't do anything to stop what happened to your mate Alpha Bryson because neither of you were ready." Shock, rage, sadness, every emotion possible flashes through me as I hear her words.

"How could you say that?" Everett's shocked and angry voice draws me to look at her. "I suffered for years. I wanted to be rescued everyday I was tortured and abused and used by that man. I wanted to back to an illusion that I now know is my mate but back then I didn't. I wanted anything but to stay in that place and endure what I did everyday. I wanted to die.

"And Bryson suffered all those years without his mate by his side. Logan suffered without his sister. My parents suffered without their daughter. I forgot everyone. My memories were destroyed and all that I know about my early years is pain and heartache wondering why I had to suffer. How could you say that I wasn't ready?" Everett is yelling now and her voice is becoming hoarse and wet as she begins to sob.

I rush over and hug her close, shushing her as her sobs become loud and gut wrenching. "It's alright, Little One. I'm here. We're together now."

The realization of Everett saying she wanted to die when she was in that place weighs on my shoulders. The thought of Everett taking her own life makes me want to beg to the Moon Goddess herself to take me with her if it ever happened.

But with Everett's exclamation comes a new hope inside me. She was strong enough to stand up for herself without being scared. She was able to say what she really wanted to which I think she has been holding out on. I'm both sad but I am also proud and hopeful to Everett moving towards becoming stronger.

"I'm sorry to have made you upset Luna Everett. I hope you will let me explain myself to the both of you." Liliana sincerely looks like she is sorry. Her eyes don't meet mine as she looks at Lyssa.

Everett doesn't make a sound and just holds onto my tightly, not letting go. I adjust myself so that Everett is sitting across my lap her head buried in the crook of my neck as her sobs lessen but she doesn't move to look at Liliana or Lyssa.

"When I say neither of you were ready I meant neither of you would have been ready for what would have happened if Everett was to be rescued any sooner then she was. Alpha Archer of the Blood Moon Pack would have retaliated and wiped out your pack along with any of your allies." Liliana looks at Lyssa, silently urging her to continue the conversation.

"As you both are aware of already, I am a Seer Witch. I can see what will occur in the future and all the possibilities of that future. I can tell you this with the utmost certainty. If Everett was rescued earlier then she was. Your pack would be wiped out, everyone you care about dead and Alpha Archer would have made you watch your family and mate die. If the witch clans were to help in the rescue Alpha Archer would have had us all killed." Lyssa's voice sends chill down my spines as she talks about me watching my family, pack members, and mate dying in front of me.

"Why have you decided to help us then if you are endangering yourself and your clan?" I ask and rub Everett's arm softly when she tenses at everything that Lyssa is saying.

"No one deserves to go through the pain and suffering that your mate through. We want to help get rid of the evil that has occurred and we want to make things right between the Werewolf Packs and the Witch Clans. With us as allies we will be able to protect everyone." Liliana's eyes suddenly look watery and she takes a second to gather herself. "My baby sister Ella was also taken by Alpha Archer. She was taken five years ago. We are unable to see her future and we think it is because the Blood Moon Pack has gotten the help of dark witches."

The Alpha's Lost MateWhere stories live. Discover now