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I hold onto Bryson and barely speak as Liliana tells her story of Henry. She speaks of loving him despite not being his mate. She speaks with such compassion and grace as she talks of letting him go to be with his mate. I can't imagine letting Bryson go.

Is this what love is?

Is love not wanting to let the person closest to you go but doing so if it is needed? I don't think I could ever let Bryson go. I'm not strong enough like Liliana to let him go. I feel a warmth that cocoons me whenever I am with Bryson. He brings me a light into my life that I never had. He makes the darkness that had grown in me during my time with the Blood Moon Pack.

This indescribable warmth that he brings whenever he is with me is something I never want to let go. Is it selfish to never want to let Bryson go? I could be putting him into danger with every step we take but I still don't want to let him go. The darkness is scary and if Bryson is not within my grasp I don't know what I would do if it returns.

My grip on Bryson tightens at this thought and I dig my head into his chest. His heartbeat thumps rhythmically against my cheek and spreads warmth throughout my body. Bryson rubs my back gently, careful of my still healing wounds. He kisses the top of my head before turning his attention back to Liliana.

"We know the extent of the wounds Everett has on her and we would like to help in speeding up the process of healing. We have very skilled healers that will make the journey to the other witch clans easier on the both of you." Liliana smiles at the both of us, brushing her white hair away from her face.

Bryson looks down at me and I see a growing sadness in his eyes. I know he is thinking about all the wounds that cover my body. I try to smile for him and he nods to Liliana in thanks, not able to say anything.

Liliana stands up dismissing Lyssa and beckons us to follow her. Logan stands outside of Liliana's office and smiles at me and Bryson carries me out. I reach a hand out to him and he places it on his cheeks before returning it to my lap.

"How are you feeling little sis?" Logan walks beside us as we follow Liliana.

"I'm feeling alright." My back is aching and feels a little warm but I feel so much better then when I was in the hell hole. "Liliana offered to have their healers look at me and treat some of my wounds so that we could travel easier. How are your wounds?"

Logan lifts his shirt to show an almost completely healed side. "I'm healing perfectly. The stuff they used on me really worked."

I grin at Logan and he returns it with his own toothy grin.

"Logan I need to talk to you after alright?" Bryson voice is stern and leaves no room for questioning.

"You got it Alpha." Logan teasingly says with a salute, trying to ease the tension in the room.

Liliana brings us to the only room in the building we are in that is not made out of wood. This room is covered in steel and is spotless. There are two witches preparing salves when we enter and both turn to greet their clan leader before greeting us.

"You must be Luna Everett. We have heard about your wounds and will try our hardest to heal you to the best of our abilities."

Both of the witches have green hair. The shorter of the two has her long hair pulled into a pony tail high on her head. She has a pointed noise and bow shaped lips. She looks young to be a healer. The taller of the two looks like an older version of the shorter one but with her hair free flowing. I'm guessing they are mother and daughter.

The Alpha's Lost MateWhere stories live. Discover now