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Everett moans and groans from underneath me. Her body is soft underneath my own as I rub my hands down her body. I can feel the light thread of corded muscles forming. She has come so far since she returned to us. All her wounds are healed and she had gained enough weight to be considered healthy.

"You gotta be more quiet Everett," I whisper into her ear as I press down on her.

She groans again and dig her face into her pillow. She grumbles something but it's too muffled for me to hear.

"What was that?" I whisper and press my hands further into her back.

We've been training for a few weeks now in preparation for going against Archer and the intense introduction of training to her weak body has been wrecking havoc. She has knots all over her back and is in a constant state of soreness. I have long since become used to the soreness that comes from training. As I feel her relax, I shift to her legs and gently massage them.

After I finish having her relax I pick her up and run a warm bath. Everett lulls against me and I know she is half asleep. I need her to be fully aware when I put her in the bath as she still has a bit of fear because of her years with Archer.

"Hey, I'm going to put you in the bath, alright?" Everett opens her eyes before nodding up at me, smiling softly. I lightly place her in the bath of warm water and she instantly signs.

"What did I ever do to deserve this?" She whisper and stares at me as I undress and climb in behind her.

We've developed a bit of a routine. After hours of training and preparing for the ceremony to introduce Everett to the entire pack and initiate her as their Luna, I massage Everett body in hopes of relaxing the tense muscles. I then bath with her and help wash her hair. After our bath Everett naps in my office as I finalize our preparations for the ceremony and upcoming battle. Mom and Emily typically come and get us for dinner and we try to spend the rest of the night with the family, trying to ignore the pending battle.

"I'm only giving you everything you deserve Little One." I massage shampoo into her hair and she moans as her head goes slack. I make sure to wash all of her hair before telling her to dunk. She dips her head back a few times getting all the hair clear of suds.

"I love you so much Bryson." I massage conditioner through the ends of her hair and kiss her shoulder lightly.

"I love you too."

We continue our routine in silence as she bathes in the care I am providing her. I lift us out of the bath after I clean myself off. I dry us off before changing Everett into a pair of my boxers and a shirt as she is already sleeping soundly. I carry her to my office after changing into a t-shirt and shorts. I set her on the couch and cover her with her favourite fuzzy blanket. I kiss her forehead before sitting at my desk. Her introduction ceremony is tomorrow night and the next day we leave to go against Archer. We've spent as much time as we can training, but Ella's projections to Logan are saying that we need to hurry.

Logan walks into the office silently and hands me the finalized papers that need to be signed for the ceremony. Members of the high council must be present at all ceremonies for Alphas and Betas being initiated into the pack or into their positions. I sign the paper finalizing the time and Logan quickly exits to give it to one of the witches to deliver it. Because we are on such short notice. Liliana agreed to send a witch to deliver it.

Liliana and Manola also traveled to the Eastern Clan without us due to the little amount of time we have before making our move. They agreed to help since Liliana and the clan leader Hala are on such good terms. 

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