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We leave two days, after Bryson and I had the discussion about seeing a therapist. I don't really want to so for the past two days I was making an effort to speak all of my feelings and to accept that talking about the past is the best way to overcome it despite how it may upset Bryson and I.

"I remember when Sir put the collar on me and chained me to the wall in that room. I think it was a couple of years after he first took me. I was allowed to roam the house when I first got there. I tried to escape too many times I guess and he but the silver collar around my neck and attached a chain to it. It burned to much and I knew that my neck was being burnt because of the silver." I touch my neck and can feel the scarring from the silver collar. "I pulled and pulled. I wanted it off and I tried to pull the chain out of the wall but I wasn't strong enough."

"You are the strongest person I know Everett." Bryson turns me to face him as we sit on the edge of his bed. Bryson had been packing a duffle bag for the both of us because we were leaving the next day when he say down next to me. "You survived everything that Archer did to you. I could never imagine surviving everything that you did."

"I was able to survive because I had you. I remembered you through all the torture he put me through. I knew I would see you again." I whisper and stare into his eyes. "You allowed me to survive."

Bryson's cerulean blue eyes sparkle as tears build up and he hugs me close. "It was so hard without you here. I couldn't function properly. I wanted revenge. I wanted to kill the bastard that took you. All I could focus on was training to become the best Alpha I could be so that I would find you and no one would ever take you away from me."

"No one will ever take me away from you again. I know you won't let that happen and I won't let it happen again. I will try my hardest to stay by your side until I take my last breath." I whisper and kiss his neck softly before hugging him tightly.

"I love you Everett." Bryson kisses my neck and I arch it so he has better access. A gasp leaves my lips as sparks travel throughout my body and his lips graze the spot where my shoulder and neck meet.

"Mark me." I whisper. Bryson pulls back shocked. His blue eyes are wide and his mouth opens and closes a couple of times. I giggle at his astonished look before looking at my hands that are now in my lap. "I know you are holding your wolf back from marking me. It has been almost a month since I returned and I know Alpha males become more and more irritated the longer their mates do not have their mark. I'm not ready to fully mate yet and I don't know when I will be but I'm ready for you to mark me."

"Are you absolutely sure?"

I smile and nod, looking at him. "The Blood Curse that Archer had put on me. It's preventing me from healing all of the way. You marking me will help to get rid of the Curse, right? The witches told us that right? I want to heal. I want to get better so I can be stronger and rightfully be your mate."

"You are rightfully my mate no matter the circumstances. I will love you no matter what happens or what happened in the past." Bryson kisses me deeply and I return with just as much passion.

Warmth spreads through my body and tingles follow the warmth and pool in my belly. Bryson pulls me so I am sitting on his lap, my legs on either side of his and resting against the bed. I wrap my hands tightly around his neck and hold him close. Bryson pulls away and we are both panting, his hands are tight around my waist. He looks into my eyes looking for reassurance and I nod smiling and I kiss him. I don't initiate the kisses between Bryson and I very often so I initiate this one and smile when Bryson groans.

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