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After our meeting, yesterday Everett and I decided to just spend the time in our room as she was having some discomfort. I massaged her belly and had Logan go to Dr. Cornelia and get her some pain relievers. Everett napped after that, the pain relievers making her a bit drowsy and Logan and I talked about what he heard back from Mom and Dad.

"They said that a rogue was caught trespassing on the grounds but after interrogating her they found she was not connected to the Blood Moon Pack and was just lost. Her state of mind was almost feral so they decided to let her go as she began to get more angsty the closer she was held in the cell. They think she has been a rogue most of her life and would not have been able to integrate into the pack." Logan informs me.

I nod and brush Everett's hair softly. The Lupus Pack was able to get so large and strong because every rogue that trespassed on pack lands was interrogated and if they were in a stable state of mind and seem eager to reintegrate into the pack we take them in and put them to work where ever we could.

We gave them our trust and in return they give us their loyalty to the pack and their new home. We sometimes had to deal with rogues that betrayed us but they were banished. I made sure my pack was not questioned with how strong and loyal we are to one another.

"It sucks that she will have to remain a rogue but we can't afford, especially now, to let any potential danger into our pack." I say and look at Everett. "After everything with the Blood Moon Pack has been settled we will be able to be happy and safe."

"Yeah we will." Logan puts his hand on my shoulder and squeezes before stepping away and look out the window. The sky is dark with clouds and I think it's going to rain soon. "I've been having dreams. Weird dreams of a girl with a scarred face. I only see glimpses of her as she runs away from something. I can't seem to walk away or towards her as she runs by. I can't see what she is running from either."

"You don't recognize the girl?" I ask.

Logan shakes his head and continues to look out of the window. "No. I can't remember her features much either. All I can remember is the scars that run along the side of her face. I wake up panting and scared as if I was the one running but I know I wasn't."

"Maybe she has something to do with the Blood Moon Pack. Or maybe it is your mate. She could be reaching out to you with the Moon Goddess' help." I try to reason with him.

"I don't know." Logan doesn't bring up the girl from his dreams again.


"I've come to the decision that I will send a few warriors with you on your journey. They are all very close to Isabella and could possibly help when it comes to the prophet." Alpha Nate tells us when we are getting ready to leave.

"Thank you Alpha Nate." I shake his hand firmly before walking to the group of warriors that he is sending with us.

There is two girls and a boy. The girls are twins and both have spiky hair died a vibrant colour. The girl on the left that has blue eyes instead of the green of her mate has her hair dyed flaming red. The girl on the right with the green eyes has her hair dyed bright blue. They wear combat boots, tank tops, and pants with lots of pockets. The boy is a little more normal with black hair and pale blue eyes. He wears a muscle shirt, pants, and combat boots like the girls. I breath in their scents and realize they are not werewolves. I look back at Nate and he nods at me when I raise an eyebrow.

Everett is talking to Luna Danielle but comes over quickly when she sees me looking in her direction. He links her arm with mine and stares wide eyed and curious at the three strangers in front of us. She doesn't seem as nervous around strangers which is good.

"What are your names?" I ask sternly.

"Tia." The one with red hair says.

"Pia." The one with blue hair says.

"Artie." The boy says.

They all have a cockiness to them that I only hope they are able to back up with real skills. But the next question is the most important.

"What are you three?" I ask and take in a breath. "I know a werewolf when I smell it and you aren't them. You are masking your scents as well." I add my Alpha tone into my command hoping it will help to hurry them to tell me what they are.

"Fae." Tia answer and smirks as Pia allows almost transparent wings to sprout from her back and hovers in the air for a solid ten seconds.

Everett walks around Pia as she lands but she keeps her wings out. They shimmer in the sun and I can see every colour imaginable in them. Everett looks mesmerized as she reaches out to touch the wings but brings herself back into reality and jogs back to me her face blushing red.

"I'm sorry. I don't know what came over me. Your wings are very beautiful." She whisper and I can see Pia actually blush before she retracts her wings.

"Thank you Luna Everett." Pia says. I can tell that Pia is more shy then Tia already.

"What are you boy?" I command an answer.

"Vampire." Artie answers and he smirks as Everett stiffens and backs up a little. I see permanently sharp canines and blood lust. I tighten my hold on the Everett. "You have nothing to worry about Alpha Bryson. I am in control of my blood lust and I feed on animals."

"The three of you will follow us as we travel to the Mountain View Pack." I turn back to Alpha Nate and give him a stern look. This is the first time hearing that he has two Fae and a Vampire in this pack. "We will be discussing the matter of these three once everything is settled."

"Understood." Alpha Nate nods.

I shift and allow for Everett to climb on my back. The rest of my pack shifts and we run. Artie is able to easily follow us as he runs and the Fae fly above with the witches.

I growl as tension fills me at the thought of these guys and what they are capable of. I know that Fae and Vampires exist. I have never encountered them nor has Dad during his time as Alpha. The Fae were from another dimension, the same one as the Moon Goddess and rarely came to this world from what I have learned. The Fae are described as being the servants of the Moon Goddess. They are able to traverse both dimensions and complete the tasks needed from the Moon Goddess.

Vampires were a whole other mystery. Some people believed they had all killed each other off as their covens had wars over land and prey. Others said they have just been sticking to themselves lying in wait for whatever they please.

Everett runs her fingers through my fur and whispers comforting words in my ears. I rumble softly at her and run faster to get to the Mountain View Pack and then the Western Witch Clan. 


I'm sorry this is such a short chapter. I am going through some money and school troubles and have been really stressed. I wanted to give you guys a chapter because we have reached and past our chapter goals so easily and are closing in on 10K reads which I find amazing. So thank you. 

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