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A girl had been appearing in my dreams for years now. At first she would just show up once in a while. Maybe once a month or so. I caught glimpses of her in the distance near a cliffs edge and she would turn to look at me and I would wake up. I knew she was small in stature and had greyish white hair but that was it. I never saw her face in the first couple of months, just her back.

As she began appearing in my dreams more I caught glimpses of her face. She began to stay in my sight longer and I wouldn't wake up. The first time I saw her face I was enraptured by her beauty. Her eyes were a beautiful blue, like the sea and were wide and stood against her light chocolaty brown skin beautifully. Her lips were the softest pink and plump. Her nose small and button like. Her grey hair swept around her face in the gentle breeze and she smiled softly at me. The girl always wore the same thing, a soft white gown, hugging her slight curves and fluttered around her knees. She would reach for me and then I would wake up.

Though her appearance and demeanor changed about five years ago as did the amount that she appeared in my dreams. Her pure white dress became dirty and red in spots with blood. There were rips in her dress that exposed her thighs slightly. Her face had three jagged cuts that stretched across her right eye and the bridge of her nose. When she first appeared like this the cuts were so deep, her eye was swollen shut and the cuts bled and leaked down her face. Her intact eye cried tears as she stared at me, begging for my help.

Her sobs echo in my ears every time I wake up.

As she continued to show up in my dreams the cuts on her face healed but not without leaving heavy, dark scars in their place and the sight in her right eye. Her right eye was now a cloudy blue, the irises blending in the pupil. I knew she couldn't see out of it. I knew she was self conscious of the scars that now covered her face.

She would rarely ever turn fully to face me. She would angle herself so that her left side faced me more. Ella stopped looking at me as well as she continued to hide herself but she never stopped appearing. Maybe it wad me appearing in her dreams but I didn't care as long as I got to see her.

"Ella," I whisper and look to Manola. "She's my mate."

"Yes. You two are the destined pair that will reunite werewolves and witches." Manola says and I brace myself against the chair that Everett and Bryson are sitting in.

Everett places her hand over mine and squeezes it. I give her a nervous smile in return before the meaning behind this situation comes to me. My wolf shakes against my mind and I take step farther back as I feel him scratching at the surface, forcing his way out.

Growls rip through me as I try to reign him back in but the mention of the mate we have been waiting for our entire lives sets him off and his instincts are too much to handle. He forces me to shift and run wildly through the caves in search of a way out and to find our mate.

The wolf in us has no logic. It is a being solely made of instincts. There is no reasoning with the wolf once it takes over full control over us. The only way to calm it down is to overpower it. The rage my wolf feels for the damage done to our mate is so intense that even with the training from Alexander I am unable to reign him in.

"Logan STOP!" Everett yells after me but I can't stop. My wolf has taken over and is running wildly through the caves to get outside.

He smashes into walls as he slips on the floors but only growls and continues to run. I can hear the growls of wolves all around me as my pack attempts to access the situation and realizes something has happened. I recognize a couple of warriors forming a circle around me as we run. They are forming a barrier between me and the witches that pop out of their rooms to see what the commotion is about.

The Alpha's Lost MateWhere stories live. Discover now