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Bryson mentions a bath and I can't help but tense. Memories of the times Sir would give me baths floods my memory. Sir would hold me under the water until I stopped struggling and black began to overcome my vision. Just before I felt like I would be reunited with the Moon Goddess, he would pull me back into the torture that surrounded him. 

I wanted to close my eyes and be reunited with the moon goddess and ask her why she let Sir do this to me. Why she would let me be taken away from my family.

"Does the Moon Goddess hate me?" I ask Bryson when he walks back into the hospital room with a tray on it. I see a bowl of broth and a bowl of fruit. He expects me to eat all of that. That's more than Sir fed me in a month's time. 

"Why would you even ask that? Of course she doesn't. She loves everyone of us. Even those who do not deserve her love." Bryson says staring deeply into my eyes and sets the food on the table next to my hospital bed. Forgotten.

"Why did she let me be taken then? Why did she let Sir do those things to me?" I ask frantically and feel my throat tighten and tears begin to crawl down my cheeks.

"Everett, listen to me. I don't know why those people did those things to you. The Moon Goddess does not have the power to stop such evil people. She can only watch over and guide those that accept her guidance. She was able to guide us to rescuing you and I will thank her everyday that you are in my arms safe. Don't ever think that she hates you."

I can't help but cry and wrap my arms around Bryson. I cry into his shoulder, loud sobs escaping past my lips and gasps for breath following after. Bryson's shoulders shake beneath me and sobs escape his lips as well. 

Minutes unknown to me pass by and Bryson has moved onto the hospital bed with me in his lap. We continue to cry together. We cry for the time that we missed out on. I cry for the pain we have experienced. I cry for my missing memories and the haunted memories that overtook the once happy ones. I cry because of what Sir did to me and how he has left marks that will never disappear on my body. 

"I'm sorry I didn't find you sooner. I let that monster do those things to you. If I would have found you sooner I could've stopped some of the things." Bryson whispers not moving from his spot. His breath is warm on my neck. 

"You didn't let him do those things to me, Bryson. I did. After a while I gave up and would just numb the pain and the experience. I begged the Moon Goddess for help every chance I could but nothing happened. It was Chase and Jackson and you and everyone in this pack that saved me and I will be forever grateful and loved." I rub his hair with my hand and breath in his scent. 

We sit in silence before Bryson sits up smiling. Tears stain his cheeks but he smiles his cheeky grin and grabs the bowl of fruit. He picks up a blueberry and holds it up for me to take. I take it into my mouth and bite on it with a moan as its sweet juice seeps onto my tongue. 

Bryson feeds me more fruit and I begin to feel my stomach cramp. "Just a few more pieces please. Then we can shower and bring you downstairs possibly. Your parents want me to see you. I've kept them away for as long as I can so as to not pressure you but they are your parents and want to see you."

I nod and take a few more bites of a strawberry before turning away. "My tummy hurts Bry." 

"Okay Darling, you did so good. I'm so proud of you." Bryson sets the fruit down and doesn't move to pick up the broth. "I'm going to carry you to my bedroom and start the shower. Is that alright with you?" He continues with my nod of affirmation. "Then maybe we'll venture downstairs maybe. Or we can just have your parents come to my room."

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