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Darkness surrounds me once again. Bryson was us meeting again a dream. Am I back in that nightmare with Sir chained the wall in that room? 

Bryson I can't move. I'm stuck. Please save me. Is the Moon Goddess punishing me for being a bad person? I let Sir do those things to me. I couldn't fight back. I'm weak. I don't know where I am. I'm scared. 

"Everett you've been a bad girl," I hear Sir's voice. 

I try to move to look around but I can't move my head. I feel hands crawl up my legs but I can't move. They're cold not warm like Bryson's when he held me. Was that moment real or was I imagining things in a haze of pain. What about those guys Jackson and Chase, were they real? Did they save me? Or did they hurt me like the rest of Sir's men.

"You've broken all of the rules that I taught you," Sir's voice echoes. I try not to hear. Get away. Get away. GET AWAY! "How dare you think of another man? You belong to me darling and only me!" 

NO. GET AWAY. I can't speak. I can't move. I don't want this. I want to die. I don't want the pain of Sir's hands anymore. I want Bryson. Why won't you save me now? 

Hands wrap around my legs and arms and I thrash around.  

"I'll have to punish you Everett. You've been a bad girl." 

I feel the pain of a thousand lashes on my back tearing my skin open and cutting it to ribbons. I feel the blood dripping down my back. The Wolves Bane flowing with it, burning my skin. 

Please Moon Goddess, if you can grant me the strength to get away. Do it now. 

I light shines in the dark and I see the full moon, its graceful light flowing over me. Granting me the strength I so asked for. I rip my legs away from the prying hands and scream to the heavens in rage, pain, and sadness. 

I scream for Bryson. I scream for death. I scream for anything to take me away from this pain. 

"Everett. It's okay. You're safe now. I promise you're safe now," Bryson's voice calls out. 

I gasp and my eyes open only to be blinded by a blaring light. I whimper as pain evades my eyes and body. 

"Turn the lights off. It's too bright for her eyes," I hear Bryson tell someone. 

The light around me darkens slightly. I open my eyes and squint them slightly, trying to adjust my vision so I can see Bryson. 

"Bryson, it hurts." A whimper escapes my lips and I try to move. 

"I know Everett, but you can't move. You've reopened your stitches and are bleeding," Bryson tells me. 

"Alpha, I need to stitch her back up," a male voice says. 

"No don't let him touch me," I whimper and try to move away from the unknown male. "Please don't let him touch me."

"Niles go get Jane. Have her stitch up Everett," Bryson says. I hear a confirmation from the man and he leaves. "It's alright Everett. I have you. You're safe, I promise you that. No one here is going to hurt you I promise."

I look at Bryson and cry. I reach my hand out to him and he grabs it leaning close. He rest his forehead against mine and we cry. 

"What's going on? I don't understand." I cry and Bryson shushes me gently, calmly. 

"I know, but don't worry I am going to help you. We are going to get you healed and then we are going to be happy and we are going to have fun like we used to," Bryson brushed my cheek and I lean into it. I close my eyes and let myself feel the sparks. 

"The burning sensation is gone. The Wolves' Bane,' I whimper and try to move.

"We gave you my blood along with your brother's. We got a lot of the Wolves Bane out of your system but there is still some there," Bryson says moving away from me, to look at the door. "The pack doctor is going to come in now. She just needs to look at your back because you ripped some of your stitches. I'll stay by your side the entire time. "

"Okay," I whisper and grip his hand tightly hugging it close to face. 

I hear the door open and the sound of someone walking in. I tense up but Bryson runs his hair through my now combed hair soothingly. 

"Alpha, I need to turn the Luna on her stomach," a female voice says.

"Alright," Bryson leans down and smiles at me. "I'm gonna help you turn over okay Everett. I'm sorry if it hurts. "

I just nod. Bryson turns me over slowly, stopping when I whimper to make sure I'm okay and then moving me again. 

Once I'm settled the women cuts the bandages. Bryson leans close to me and whispers that it's going to be okay as the women cleans and wipes something on my back to make it all tingly. I think I fall asleep because when I wake up I'm back on my back and Bryson is still next to me. 

"Bryson, you said earlier that you gave me your blood and my brother's," I say after looking at Bryson and just smiling, knowing he saved me. 

"Yes you have a twin brother, his name is Logan and obviously you have your mother and father. Don't you remember them?" Bryson looks at me sadly, his eyes filling with tears. 

"No," I whimper and bring my hands up to my head. "I only remember two things. You're name and a moment with a boy turned wolf in a field. Those two things kept me alive. I thought I just made you up like an imaginary friend. I never thought that I would be saved. I don't deserve to be saved."

"Everett listen to me. That boy was me. I have a photo of that day. I'll show you that day once you're better. And for you now deserving to be saved I will spend the rest of our lives proving you wrong. I will spend the rest of our lives getting your memories back and we will have the best lives together with our families," Bryson says and kisses my tears away. 

I just hope he is telling the truth. I would like that life. 


Two updates in one day! It's only because you guys are amazing and reached the last chapter goals within an hour of me publishing the chapter. Also I hope a double update makes up for the lack of updates to come. 

I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Please comment, vote, follow, and share. I will see you all in the next chapter. 

|Chapter Goals and Questions|

Number of Reads: 190 reads

Number of Votes (in total): 30 votes 

Are you liking the story so far? Is it going too fast? Too slow? 

Should I make a cast? If so who should be the actors? 

What's your favourite hot drink?

My reply: hot chocolate all the way, baby

What's your favourite cold drink?

My Reply: I have recently become addicted to President's Choice Lemonade

My Reply: I have recently become addicted to President's Choice Lemonade

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