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Everett is hiding something from me and I know it. I can feel it in our strengthening bond like a slight tugging at the back of my mind urging me to find out what she isn't telling us. But I'm not going to pry. I know that she will tell me eventually and I don't want to bring up any bad memories and relive the pain she just felt out in the yard.

My mate falls asleep soon after she finishes her dinner and reassuring Logan that she is alright. She curls on her side, her hands cradles against her chest and her head on an array of pillows. Her chocolate hair seems to spread out around her in a beautiful mess.

"Let's go to my office." I say to Logan and move away from the bed, trying to be quiet as to not wake up Everett. Logan nods and walks out. I grab the plates and bring them to the kitchen before heading to my office.

Logan is already there sitting in the chair across from my desk. His back is rigid and I know he is in full Beta mode.

"I already dealt with Tiffany. I gave her laundry duty for the week and she is to be confined to the pack cells for the week as well." Logan says. I can see the anger in his eyes. His shoulders shake slightly as he controls his wolf from taking over.

"Good. Thank you for dealing with her while I tended to Everett. She was more shaken then she led on." I say and rub my forehead, feeling a headache starting to creep it's way around my head.

"It was no problem. I know that you needed to take care of Everett. It's my job as Beta to support you and the pack when you are busy."

Logan is the best Beta I could ever ask for. He may be a goofball half of the time but I know that he will be there whenever I need him and he will try his hardest to support myself and the pack. Logan can be a scary bastard when he wants to be. He helped to build the reputation that this pack has.

"The witches, have they settled in alright?" I ask. Logan assigned the warriors when we arrived to show them to their room. I placed them in the farthest rooms away from the rest of the wolves living in the pack house so that there was no disturbances.

"Yes. They haven't left their rooms at all but Mom brought them up food which they gladly took. I think they are just as uneasy around all of us wolves as we were around all of them." Logan says.

"Yeah. We will be leaving in a couple of days so hopefully nothing happens in the next couple of days that makes them more uneasy." I rub my eyes and lean back in my chair staring at the ceiling. "I think I need to have Everett talk to a therapist."

"Why? She seems to be doing alright as long as you are around." Logan says.

Logan despises therapists. When Everett first disappeared Logan and I both fell into a state of depression but I was able to break myself out of it through training with my father. Logan would just stay in his room or Everett's and stare at photos or out the window. He didn't want to do anything and would hardly eat. He began to weaken and could no longer shift into his wolf. Michael finally said enough and made him go to a therapist. He hated every second of it but hating something was better then not feeling anything at all. He began to go back to being regular Logan and focused on his Beta training.

"I know how you feel about therapists. But I don't think I can help Everett the amount I need to. I won't always be there and she needs someone to talk to. She needs someone objective to the situation to talk to that won't judge her." I decide to tell Logan that I feel that Everett was hiding something from us.

Logan look perplexed. "What do you think she is hiding?"

A sigh escapes my lips. "I think she is hiding the severity of what happened today. I need to go down to the cells and try to get it out of Tiffany." I know I said I would not pry with Everett but it is bothering me and my wolf and if I know before hand I'll be able to help Everett better when she finally decides to tell me.

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