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I awoke to the feeling of something or more specifically, someone on my chest. When I opened my eyes, I saw the beautiful boy laying on my chest, hair everywhere and light snores coming from his pink lips.

I needed to pee very badly but I didn't want to disturb him. It was either me piss my pants or Ashton waking up. I knew what I would choose.

"Ashton, can you wake up love?" I shook his arms lightly, him cuddling into my side. I would be lying if I said I didn't like him cuddling me.

"Please, I have to pee and I don't want to pee on you!" I chuckled as he let out a slight huff.

"Okay . ." He dragged out, slowly trying to sit up in bed, that failed. His eyes drooped closed as he fell against the hardwood floor of my room, "Ash!" I got off my bed to see if he was okay.

"Oi, you gave me a heart attack!" I smiled once I had see he was okay. He rubbed the sleep out of his eyes and I noticed he had a little cut on his elbow.

"You're bleeding, let's get you a band aid." I helped him up and walked him to my bathroom.

"I thought you had to pee." He looked at me, getting the band aid from the cupboard.

"Spiderman?" He chuckled, "Don't judge!" I defended, "And anyway, I do have to pee but I'd rather help you first." He smiled at me. 

It seemed like we both had forgotten about the conversation we had both shared just hours ago.

"Okay, stay still or it won't stick!" I scolded Ashton for moving. He chuckled but obliged.

As I was done putting the band aid on him, I bumped my head with his, causing me to look into his eyes. He really did have pretty eyes, he was just beautiful in general. His lips were so pink and full, I could kiss them all day. 

I want to kiss Ashton but I honestly doubted the feeling was mutual until he started staring at my lips also.

"What're thinking, Cal?" He asked, us both still mesmerized by eachother's beauty.

"Nothing -- oh! Who am I kidding!" 

I did it, I kissed Ashton.

I kissed Ashton and I don't regret it one bit.


early update, holla. oh yeah and mY FEELS.

Anxiety; Cashton AUWhere stories live. Discover now