Chapter One:

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A/N: Hey guys! So, this is my attempt at writing. It will probably be horrible, but give it a chance and give me some feed back, and don't be too hard on me! This is my first try! Anddddd, just so you know, this is taking place in the summer of 2011, so it's when One Direction wasn't as big, or at least not as big in the U.S. Thanks sosososososo much for reading this, and please comment with feedback and vote if you want to!


That is all that I see today. Rain is dancing on my bedroom window. Rain is pounding on me as I rush out the door. Rain pushes me into the car. It pushes me into the airport. It haunts me as the plane soars away. Rain greets me when I land. But, most of all, it is present in my eyes. I have become so accustomed to this weather that I cannot tell if my eyes cry tears, or just more rain.

And now, the rain is here again, pounding against the windows of my uncle's car. Sandwiched in between my two cousins, Mick and Rory, I am somewhat shielded from the pattering on the windows, but it seems that I am constantly followed by a gloomy rain cloud, bent on ruining my day.

"We're here!" Uncle Danny announced this triumphantly, proud of maneuvering through the slippery streets and delivering us all in one piece.

I looked out the window and up at the house that I guess I should start calling home. It was large, much too large for a small family of four. I shouldn't be surprised. Uncle Danny is one of the best orthopedic surgeons in the country, leaving his family with a small fortune.

"Damn, Jax, how many suitcases did you pack?" Rory complained.

I rolled my eyes at him and grinned.

"Hey, excuse me for being a girl," I replied, grabbing a duffle and a suitcase from the trunk of the black Range Rover.

Despite Mick and Rory's complaints, we managed to get all of my bags in the house in one trip. We were greeted by a squeal, the clacks of high-heels, and an enormous bear hug.

"Jax! You're finally here! Oh, love, we have missed you so much! And look at you, so grown up," my Aunt Jessica released me from her hug and stepped back, taking in my long brown hair, olive skin, and tiny 5' 4'' frame.

"Well, mum, it has been two years, and that's the thing about growing-it tends to happen," Mick snorted, earning him a reproachful glance from his mother.

"Well, nevertheless, you look beautiful. Just like your mother."

"Still looks like a shrimp to me," Rory elbowed my side and grinned cheekily.

"Alright, that's enough of you boys picking on Jax. How about you two and your father make yourself useful and bring up the bags to her bedroom, while we catch up," Jessica smiled at me. We had always been close, and my aunt was one of the only positive things about coming to London.

Jessica led me into the kitchen and I plopped down in a chair while my aunt bustled around the counter.

"Tea, Jax? You must be so cold, what with all this rain."

"Tea sounds fantastic. Is it always this...wet?" I asked, motioning towards the large bay windows that were now being assaulted with heavy bullets of water.

"Well, I'm sure we get more rain here that you do in the states, but the city is quite lovely most of the time. When it clears up, we were thinking of planning a trip to our beach house. It is summer after all, and you have a good three and a half months before your senior year. My, I cannot believe that you are already seventeen. It seems like just yesterday that-oh well look at me, rambling on and on about nothing and not letting you get a word in," Aunt Jessica smiled and brought over a hot cup of tea and sat down across from me.

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