Chapter Five:

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Chapter Five:

Hey! So, I know the past couple of chapters have been boring-I just thought there should be a little filler to help people get to know the characters better. But, this chapter will have some exciting shit in it! Promise! Thanks for reading this far, and please please please vote or comment-it would seriously mean the world to me and make my day! Also, sorry about all the clothing descriptions-I just really like clothes. There should be pictures of most of the outfits on the side so you can actually see what Jax is wearing

P.S ok I know that Niall can’t drive, but for the sake of the story, we’re just pretending that he can

*****Jax’s POV*****

“But, what if I just scared him off?” I asked Rory. We were sitting in my room with Mick, the two of them trying to convince me to come to a party where Isaac would probably be present. It was two days since I had my little outing with Niall and the band, and four days since my date with Isaac, which meant four days since he had last contacted me.

“Jax. I promise you didn’t. We’ve know Isaac since we were little, and he wouldn’t leave a great girl like you just because it turns out you have a past,” Rory reassured me.

“Yeah, and if you come to the party tonight, you’ll be able to see him and the two of you can talk it out or whatever,” Mick added.

“I, I just don’t know, guys,” I said, the thought that Isaac had abandoned me just because I opened up to him still eating away at my mind.

“Oh, come on, Jax! It’s a party! Live a little! Get drunk, meet some new people, and make some friends. You’re going to have to get out and meet people sooner or later. You can’t just go running back to California because like it or not, you’re here for the next year,” Rory groaned. Ouch, that was a little harsh. Probably seeing the hurt expression on my face, Rory was quick to correct himself.

“Sorry, that was mean. But come on, it will be really fun,” He begged.

“And if you really want to leave early, we’ll take you home. Just give it a try,” Mick said.

I sighed and nodded. It was only a party after all. And maybe with a bit of alcohol in me, I could get the guts up to ask Isaac why he was ignoring me. Mick and Rory grinned in victory.

“Okay, we’ll leave you to get ready. I assume you know how to dress for a house party, so you can take care of yourself. We’re leaving in two hours,” Mick said as the two boys trailed out of my room. I grabbed onto the arm of a chair and pulled myself up from the ground. I started rummaging through my closet, looking for the outfit that says ‘Isaac, I promise I’m not mentally unstable and you should give me another chance, but I’m also still hot’. This might be a little difficult. I pulled on some studded denim shorts and a bright red cropped tank top with a collar. It took a while, but I found the perfect brown and red leather sandals. I spent maybe half an hour straightening my hair and pulling it into a messy ponytail. After that I painted some navy polish on my fingers and toes and slipped on a feather ring and a gold bracelet. After applying some light mascara and lip-gloss, I only had five minutes until we left, so I just shoved everything into a striped Kate Spade wallet and walked downstairs.

“Where are your parents?” I asked Mick, who was at the front door, waiting for Rory.

“Another dinner party. I think this one is for all of the hospital surgeons. It’s far away though, so they’re just going to get a hotel and come back tomorrow evening” he said distractedly while texting someone on his phone.

 “Who you texting?” I asked, standing on tiptoes to try to catch a glimpse of the screen.

“No one!” He said, quickly shoving the phone into his pocket while his face turned red.

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