Chapter Seventeen:

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***Liam's POV***

Two hours into the plane ride and he's still tearing up.

It's like every time I think Niall's finally done, someone says something that sends him back into this horribly depressed state.

And I get to be stuck next to him for the next fourteen hours. Joy.

"How you doing, mate?" I asked him tentatively.

Niall shrugged half-heartedly and rubbed his puffy eyes.

"I just miss her, is all," he said.

"I know, Niall. We all miss her. We're all friends with her," I tried to reason.

"Yeah, but she's my girlfriend, Liam. And I can't see her for months now, and we really only just started dating," Niall sighed.

"I know how you feel, Ni. And so does Lou. We're both dealing with the same thing as you," I pointed out.

"Yeah, I know. Just, how is Jax going to handle this on her own? She has a new school, her cousins are at uni, and she still has to go through recovery. I should be there with her!" Niall said, distraught.

Harry was sitting in front of us and he turned around at hearing this. "She's strong. She can do it."

He sounded so sure, but I knew Niall well enough to tell that he was not convinced.

And neither was I.

***Jax's POV***

It was the first day of school, and the sun was shining through my curtains at an ungodly hour.

I looked at my clock, which was blaring with an alarm and read 6:45

Too. Early.

I knew I had to get up, though, so I dragged myself out of bed and landed in the floor.

I padded into the bathroom which was now vacant of the twin's things. Rory had moved into his dorm yesterday evening after the boys left.

The boys left.

I squeezed my eyes shut before reopening them to see my reflection in the mirror. My hair was a curly mess and my eyes were puffy from crying. I looked hideous to say the least.

I sighed and stepped into the shower. I gave myself a little pep talk about how Niall wouldn't want me to be down just because he left. I had made a promise to him that I'd be even happier when he next saw me. I had to keep that promise.

I stepped out of the shower and wrapped my dripping ringlets up in a tower. As I waited for them to dry, I applied make up and painted my nails a dark green.

After straightening my hair so it fell to my waist, I put on my newly ironed uniform, the grey cable knit socks, and my boots.

My backpack was filled with the binders and textbooks I had accumulated from the previous week of orientation. I slid a strap over my shoulder and made my way downstairs. 

"There she is!" Uncle Danny called, holding up his phone as Jessica hugged me.

"Your first day of your last year of school! Smile for the camera," my aunt cooed.

"Uncle Danny! Are you recording this?!" I exclaimed.

"Come on, I had to!" He grinned. I groaned in response to this. I hate the sound of my voice on tape. "Now smile with your aunt, Jax."

I put a grin on my face, which turned into a real smile when Danny started making weird faces behind the camera.

"Are you excited for school?" Danny asked.

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