Chapter Fourteen:

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***Jax's POV***

We had gotten back from camping two days ago, and tomorrow was Char's last day here. I still had a hard time believing that my best friend was here. I would just do a double take sometimes when I saw her sitting across from me, and freak out all over again. You could say that I had missed her. That might be true.

At this moment, I was sitting at the foot of Mick's bed, the twins playing cards with me. When we were all on family vacations and the adults would go have "grown-up time", which essentially meant getting drunk, this was all we had to entertain ourselves with, and I guess it was still the only thing we could come up with to do. It was raining outside. Again.

"I'm out," Rory groaned, throwing his cards down in frustration.

"Me too," I admitted in defeat. Mick grinned in victory, as this was the millionth time in a row he had won.

"No more cards," Rory whined from under the pillows, where he was now taking refuge.

"I agree!" I shouted, shooting my hand in the air.

"Fine. Hang on, where's Char?" Mick asked, suddenly noticing her absence.

"Um, she may or may not be out with Harry," I said happily.

"I thought she had a boyfriend?" Rory said, his head poking up.

"It's...complicated," I said vaguely. She was my best friend; I wasn't about to give her away so quickly.

"Doesn't sound complicated. Sounds like a secret," Mick pushed.

"Yeah, tell us! Char is our mate as well," Rory agreed.

"Fine. She's going to hate me for this, though," I groaned. "Harry kissed her." I paused for reaction. They were both silent. I guess they had kissed enough girls that they didn't see it as a huge deal. I rolled my eyes and continued. "Char got pissed for a while, but I don't know, I guess she sort of realized that she likes Harry as well, which is really confusing for her, seeing as she does have a boyfriend. Harry asked her to hang out with him, to explain himself I guess, so she agreed."

"Is she breaking up with her current boyfriend?" Mick asked. I shrugged.

"Well isn't that a little fucking mess!" Rory said cheerily, getting off the bed and putting his shoes on.

"Where the hell are you going?" Mick pouted.

"Some orientation shit at uni. It started fifteen minutes ago," Rory laughed.

"Rory!" Mick and I yelled at him in unison.

"You guys are just more fun to be around than a bunch of crusty old professors!" Rory protested.

"Just go," Mick groaned as I rolled my eyes. Rory laughed, waved to Mick and kissed my head before walking out the door.

"I suppose you're going over to Niall's then," Mick asked, raising his eyebrows.

"Well, he did ask me to come over today. And seeing as Char is out with Harry and I haven't seen him in two days..." I hinted.

"It's okay to see your boyfriend, Jax. I get it. Just don't be home too late. Mum and Dad will worry," Mick said, surprisingly good-natured throughout the entire sentence.

"Thanks Mick!" I squealed, tackling him in a hug.

"Ew, get off me!" He laughed. "And remember to put on a coat! It's raining pretty hard."

I nodded and ran out the room, shooting Mick a little wave. I decided I would walk, seeing as the flats were only a mile and a half away, and it was still only noon.

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