Chapter Fifteen:

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New chapter! It's the tour! I hope you all like it

**Jax's POV**

"I'm going to miss you! I can't believe the next time I see you, you'll be leaving for university," I exclaimed, hugging Mick.

"I know, I'll miss you too. But we can video call pretty often. And you can cry with Lacey about how much you both miss me," he laughed. I stuck my tongue out at him.

"Bye Rory. I'll see you soon," I grinned giving my other cousin a hug.

"Yeah, yeah. I get it, you won't miss me as much as you'll miss Mick," Rory joked, hugging me as well.

"Maybe because you're going to be ten minutes away," I rolled my eyes, punching his arm.

"Bye sweetie! We'll see you in a week," Aunt Jessica said, pulling me into yet another hug. Danny had an early operation this morning, so he wasn't here.

"Sorry Jax, but Paul's getting a little anxious. We need to go," Niall said apologetically. He had hung back as I said my goodbyes, but now went in to say goodbye to my cousins. They were all still very close, and Niall wouldn't see them before he went on the American tour.

We all said our final goodbyes and made our way towards the large van that was parked on the street. It was early, about 6:15, and the sun was rising. We climbed the steps into the bus, waving hello to the driver.

"Jax!" I was hit by a big weight, nearly getting knocked over.

"Hey Haz!" I laughed, prying myself out of his grip. "How are you up this early?"

"Nialler made me get up so he'd have a friend to talk to on the way over here," Harry grumbled, falling back on the couch.

"Oh, shut it. You went to bed at, like, 7 last night," Niall laughed, pulling me down to sit in between him and Harry.

"Party hard?" I joked.

"Like always," Harry grinned back.

"Jax, why aren't you wearing shoes?" Niall asked, staring at my bare feet.

"I hate shoes, so I'm not wearing them," I said simply.

"You did pack some, right?" Niall asked as Harry started laughing.

"Yeah, they're all in my bag," I said, pointing to my large suitcase.

"How much did you pack?" Niall asked, now laughing along with Harry.

"Enough for five interviews and a week of dealing with you five!" I groaned, getting off the couch.

"Where are you going?" Niall whined, grabbing my hands.

"To sleep. I'm exhausted." I smiled a bit.

"Here, I'll show you the bus. We'll be living here for a week, so might as well get it done with," Niall said, getting up.

"Okay. I'll just sit here alone," Harry said to himself.

"So, that was the common area, which is where we all hang out and watch television. This is the kitchen and table," Niall said, pointing to a mini fridge, sink, microwave, and large table. "There are two bathrooms in the back, and each of them has a shower. And these are the beds," Niall said, leading me to a hallway lined with eight bunks, five of which had curtains pulled across them, the sounds of soft breathing slipping through.

"Who else is here besides you guys?" I asked, nodding my head towards the five occupied bunks.

"Eleanor and Danielle. All the girlfriends are coming along as well, remember?" Niall laughed quietly, ruffling my hair.

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