The First Mission

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Ring! Ring! The alarm goes off really loudly. Saige wakes up and changes into the yellow and black ninja suit that Sensei had gave her. She puts on her mask and looks in the mirror. She looked like a real ninja. Then, suddenly, an alarm goes off in the control room. You immediately run to the room. "What's going on?", you asked. "The Serpentine are at it again!", Nya announced to the other ninja. "They are attacking Ninjago city!". "Let's go, ninja!", shouted Lloyd. Then, the ninja went outside to get their dragons. Saige didn't have a dragon. "Here, Saige.", said Kai, holding out his hand. "Hop on and ride on mine!". "No!", said Cole. "Ride on mine!".

Saige immediately started to sweat.

"Hurry!", shouted Nya. "We don't have all day!".

Cole and Kai started to yell at each other.

"Anytime now..", Zane said, staring at Saige, hoping she'd make a choice before Cole beats up Kai.

Or Kai beats up Cole.

It could honestly end any way.

Saige sweated even more.

"Oh my gosh, just ride mine!!", Lloyd shouted. "We can't just sit here and let Pythor and the Serpentine attack Ninjago City!". "LLOYD!!", shouted Kai and Cole in unison. "What...", Lloyd said, staring at them. Kai and Cole glared at each other and watch Saige hop on Lloyd's dragon. "What was THAT all about?", Lloyd asked Saige. "It seemed like they both wanted me on their dragon.", Saige explained. "Thanks for letting me ride yours. I didn't think I could take anymore of that stress.". "Hey, no problem!", Lloyd responded. "Anything for a fellow ninja!". Saige smiled.

When they got to Ninjago City, there was a boy being captured by Pythor. "HELP!!!", he shouted about 10 times.

Saige was horrified. "Time to light this party up!!", Saige shouted taking out her golden sword. She swung it in the air a couple times and a giant light bullet. It was so bright, Pythor was distracted and dropped the boy. Saige ran to the boy and picked him up. "Thank you so much!", said the boy. "But, who are you?". Saige could not think of another response except:

"I am the yellow ninja.".

Kai and Cole started to cheer for Saige, which caught the snakes' attention.

"Gee, thanks!", Jay said sarcastically to Kai and Cole.

They were surrounded by snakes.

"SSSSerpentine!", Pythor shouted. "ATTACK!!"


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Aqua Ninja OUT!!

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