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The ninja were still on top of the building, along with Saige's mom. It was sunset. "Well we should get going before it's dark.", suggested Saige. "Good idea.", said Cole and Kai in unison.

They are talking in unison a lot, don't ask me why.

The ninja walked across the top of the building. The view of Ninjago City was beautiful.

"I never knew I could look at Ninjago City this way!", replied Jay.

"I know right!", Saige responded. She paused before saying right. She glanced over at Kai and Cole. She liked them both, but she knew someday she would have to choose either one of them. She decided not to worry about it.

Suddenly her feet felt heavy, she felt herself about to fall. "SAIGE!", Kai screamed. "What happened?", asked Cole. To Saige, all she heard was the echoing voices of people calling her name.


Saige landed on the ground with a mighty thump and everything went pitch black.

"Oh no!", said Lloyd. "Where'd Saige go?".

"She fell off!", replied Zane. "I sense she is down there.".

The ninja Airjitzu'd their way down, and when they got down, they looked for Saige, but she wasn't there. It was like Saige has just disappeared.

"Saige!", called Kai. "Where are you!!!!!". The ninja called Saige's name over and over again, but they still got no response. "Great, we lost her!", Jay said. "Sensei told us to take care of her and we LOST her! She could have been KILLED, or...". "Calm down, Jay.", said Zane. "We have to find her, she couldn't have just disappeared.".
"She's....gone...", Cole sighed. "I don't believe this..", Kai said quietly. "She's not gone.", Lloyd said. "She's just lost!". "WE HAVE TO FIND HER!", Kai yelled. "MY LIFE DEPENDS ON IT!!!". "Kai..", whispered Cole. "DON'T TALK TO ME, COLE!", screamed Kai. "THIS WAS YOUR FAULT IN THE FIRST PLACE!". "MY fault?!!", said Cole, feeling anger rise inside him. YES, YOUR FAULT!!", yelled Kai, punching Cole in the shoulder. "IF YOU HADN'T BEEN SO ADORABLE AND ENCOURAGING, THIS WOULD HAVE NEVER HAPPENED!!". "Why are you blaming me!?", asked Cole, pushing Kai. "YOU were the one who TOLD her to come up here in the FIRST place!!!". "JUST FORGET IT, COLE!", screamed Kai, getting into Cole's face. "I WISH WE NEVER MADE UP ANYWAY!!". "Why does it always have to be your way!", Cole shot. "I'm not the HOTHEADED one!".

"SAIGE SHOULD HAVE CHOSEN ME!!!", said Kai. "SAIGE WOULD CHOOSE ME OVER YOU!!", yelled Cole. "ENOOOOOOOOUGH!", Jay screamed. "We JUST had enough drama without you guys arguing over Saige, and now this!??". Kai and Cole just crossed their arms and looked away from each other. "This is ridiculous!", agreed Lloyd. "Just RIDICULOUS! Arguing, pushing, blaming each other?!! That gets us nowhere! Why don't you stop arguing for ONCE and get along and get the fact that Saige-". "SHHHHH!", shushed the other ninja. "Oh..", whispered Lloyd. "Yeah..".

"That Saige what!", Cole yelled.

"That Saige....doesn't want to hear you argue 24/7!", Lloyd lied.

"He started it!!", yelled Kai and Cole, pointing at each other.

"It doesn't matter who started it!", yelled Jay. "What matters is that we need to find Saige and make sure she isn't hurt.". "Jay's correct.", said Zane. "Saige is more important than the conflict you are having at the moment.".

Kai and Cole grunted, then they walked as far away from each other as they could.

The ninja were off to find Saige.


HEY HEY HEY! It's your girl! Thanks for reading this chapter! I hope you enjoyed. As you can see, the story may end soon but don't worry, there will be other Ninjago Stories, and maybe others based on different TV shows. Please remember to comment, vote, and share if you haven't already.

Aqua Ninja OUT!!!

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