Saving My Mother

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"Guys, Maria is my mom! The Serpentine captured her! We need to save her!", Saige said panicking.

Everyone got on their dragons to save Saige's mother. Saige ended up riding on Zane's dragon, just not to start an argument. They flew down to Ninjago City. "Where's my mother?", Saige asked, running up to Pythor. "I don't know what you are talking about..", Pythor lied. "LIAR!", Saige yelled, swinging her sword at Pythor's neck. Pythor dodged it, knowing that Saige was letting her emotions get the best of her.

"Oh Sssaige.", said Pythor. "Your mommy isn't here. She is with the Serpentine, but I'm not telling you, because you would tell your ninja friends.".

Saige anger grew. Her impatience took over her. She took her sword and held it to his neck. "You better tell me where my mother is!", Saige growled. "Or?", Pythor said.

"Else..", responded Saige, her face growing red.

Pythor just stared at her. Then he laughed, along with the other Serpentine joining.

"Haha!", laughed Pythor. "You can't do anything, you're just a girl!".

The other ninja gasped, especially Kai and Cole, who were very surprised on Pythor's insult.

Saige was very offended, but that didn't stop her. She lowered her sword.

"You're right!", Saige said. "I am a girl, but I'm also a skilled ninja!!!". Saige swung her sword in the air and a giant light formed. "That doesn't ssscare me!", teased Pythor. "What's a wanna-be girl ninja going to do to me!". Then, Pythor ordered the Serpentine to attack, and Saige was immediately surrounded by snakes. "I've got to get out of here!", thought Saige. She saw the other ninja airjitzu on top of a building. Kai and Cole looked down, looking as sorry as ever.

Saige did spinjitzu, and flung the snakes. She saw her mother tied to a piece of board. She ran over, pushing the snakes that tried to attack her, and ran to her mother.

"Mhmhmhmhmhm", said her mother.

"Don't worry!", said Saige. "I'm getting you out of here!", Saige quickly untied the ropes, then grabbed her mother.

"Saige!", Kai shouted. "Up here!".

Saige looked up and saw Kai waving. She jumped up and started flying and spinning in the air, while making a tornado around her as well.

Saige was doing Airjitzu.


HEY HEY HEY! It's your girl! Thanks for reading this chapter! Please remember to comment, vote, and share if you haven't already. Like I said, I am going to be adding pictures to make it more interesting.

Aqua Ninja OUT!!!

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