Solved Or Not

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Saige had left the room as Kai and Cole had continued to keep staring. She silently closed the door and listened for about 5 minutes. No sound, no glass broke, nothing exploded, and no yelling. Saige had figured they had made peace, but she wasn't sure. So, she backed up slowly, really slowly, and quietly, and ninja-like.

"How'd it go?", asked Jay.

"How do YOU know?", Saige asked.

"Uhhh...", Jay stuttered. "I just do?". "You little liar!", Saige joked, playfully punching Jay on the shoulder.

"Fine! I listened, again!", sighed Jay. "You have a problem, Jay.", said Lloyd.

Jay glared at Lloyd.

"I'm honestly not sure if they solved their problem.", replied Saige. "But they weren't arguing. They were just staring at each other. I had to back out, just in case.". "If they weren't arguing,", said Zane. "Then they probably made peace. But, it could be that they were waiting for you to leave before mentally hurting each other. And physically, I might add.". "I don't hear anything..", added Lloyd.

They all shrugged. "Let's just wait for tomorrow and see how it's going.", suggested Nya. Everyone agreed.


HEY HEY HEY! Sorry for the short chapter, but I hope you enjoy reading it! Please remember to comment, vote, and share!\

Aqua Ninja OUT!!

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