A Ninja's Conversation

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"I'm sorry for this morning.", Lloyd apologized.

"Why are you apologizing?", Saige asked Lloyd.

"Because of what Kai and Cole did this morning!", Lloyd explained. "I already know they are fighting over you, but now they are practically beating up each other. There is only one explanation for why.". "What is it?", Saige asked Lloyd.

Lloyd sighed. "Are you sure you wanna hear this?", he asked quietly. "Yeah.", Saige responds bravely. "I'm sure.". "Ok", said Lloyd. He inhaled and exhaled and said in Saige's ear:

"Kai and Cole like you.".

"Well duh!", Saige said. "I knew that!".

"No, you don't understand!", said Lloyd. "They like-like you". "What do you mean?", Saige asked with curiosity.

"Kai and Cole", whispered Lloyd."....Well...they....have a crush on you.".

"WHAT!", Saige whisper-shouted. "How do you know this?!". "Isn't it obvious?", said Lloyd. "They both want you around, and they argue basically over you EVERY time either of them wanna do something with you.". "Oh yeah..", Saige said, finally realizing. Suddenly, Saige and Lloyd her giggling behind the door. Saige got up and opened the door. Jay and Zane were listening at the door. "What are you doing!?", asked Saige, with her arms crossed.

"Uh, hey Saige", Jay stammered nervously. "I told you this was a bad idea!", commented Zane.

"Alright fine!", admitted Jay. "We were eavesdropping! But I'm glad I did, because then we would not have heard about why Kai and Cole have been arguing since this morning".

Jay glanced at Zane, waiting for him to agree. Zane sighed a long sigh. "Yes.", he said. "How are we going to get them to stop?", asked Lloyd. "Well, we do know one thing!", Jay explained. "If Saige chooses Cole, Kai will kill him. If Saige chooses Kai, Cole will kill him. So technically, it's a lose-lose situation there, so we've got to think of something else!". "Yeah! That's helpful!", Saige said sarcastically.

"We aren't trying to get anyone to kill anyone!", Lloyd yelled.

"I believe that the only wise decision is to let Saige choose.", Zane explained.

"I can't choose", Saige exclaimed. "It's too hard! I like them both, ok! I LIKE THEM BOTH!".


HEY HEY HEY! It's your girl! Thanks for reading this chapter, and remember to get your Q&A questions ready! Please remember to vote and comment and share if you'd like!

Question: Who do you think Saige will choose? Kai or Cole?

Aqua Ninja OUT!!

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