Learning Airjitzu

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The next morning, Saige went onto the training course. There was something called Airjitzu that she wanted to learn. "Jay told me I could learn Airjitzu pretty soon.", Saige thought. "And I'm going to try.".

Saige tried jumping in the air several times, but she could not airjitzu yet. After several attempts, Cole showed up. As soon as Saige saw him, she immediately stopped jumping. She thought she looked like a pre-schooler.

"What are you doing?", Cole asked, looking confused.

"I'm trying to do Airjitzu,", answered Saige. "but it's not working out.". "No!", said Cole. "That's not how you do it.". "How do you do it then?", Saige asked Cole.

Cole stood in the middle of the training course. He spun a tornado and started flying.

Saige looked up in astonishment as she saw Cole fly across the sky in his flying tornado.

Cole came down and tapped Saige's cheek. "Don't worry.", he said softly. "You'll learn it soon, I promise.". He smiled. Saige smiled back. "Thanks", Saige said quietly, you know, just in case Kai was listening.

Then suddenly, Cole and Saige both heard a Kai-like voice say "'Sup?".

Cole and Saige immediately backed up, you know, just in case.

"Oh hey Kai!", Saige said very quickly. "Sensei wants us back at the Bounty in five minutes.", Kai told them. "You know, just a reminder.".

Right then, for that first time, Saige didn't believe Kai when he said it was just a reminder.

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