Proud of You

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Saige airjitzu'd to the top of the building. "Amazing!", cheered Cole. "You did Airjitzu!". "I did, didn't I?". asked Saige, who was super excited she finally did Airjitzu.

"Maybe next is going to be her true potential!", Kai suggested. "She's probably going to unlock it soon.".

Saige glanced over at Cole, expecting him to glare or say something rude (which she could tell he was trying not to.), but he didn't. He just smiled.

"I just can't believe it!", Saige said hugging everyone.

"My turn!", Kai and Cole said in unison, running to Saige. They both hugged her.

It was a tight squeeze, but Saige didn't mind, and she didn't care. She just hugged back.

This went on for a while..

"Oh your skin is so soft!", said Kai.

"Don't be weird.", Saige joked, then Cole laughed.

Saige thought it was a weird thing for Kai to say, but she didn't care. His skin was soft, too.

"AWEEEEE!", said the other ninjas, very loudly, which immediately got Saige, Kai, and Cole's attention.

Saige turned around and gave them a "oh hush" face.

Kai and Cole laughed, again.

"I'm so proud of you Saige!", said her mom, coming in with the hugging and gave her a bunch of kisses.".

"Mom", Saige said, clenching her teeth.


HEY HEY HEY! Sorry for the short chapter, I was being lazy and I didn't feel like typing anymore. Thanks for reading and make sure to comment, vote, and share if you'd like.

Aqua Ninja OUT!!!

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