1; how they hug you

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When Darry hugs you, you feel like nothing in the entire world could ever hurt you. He makes you feel safe and warm, and you never wanna leave his arms! His actions always speak louder than words and well, when he's got his strong arms wrapped around you and he's cradling his head in the crook of your neck – it's loud and clear what he's saying!

Sodapop's hugs always somehow turn into cuddling for you guys. He's super playful and won't hesitate to brush his hands up your sides when you hug, ultimately tickling you. It usually sends both of you two into a wrestling war; which ends with you guys cuddling under the sheets.

Steve's a super touchy feely hugger. Public or private, his hands are usually somewhere they shouldn't be ;) Most often he'll sneakily slide his hands down to your backside, which doesn't bother you until he's trying to put his hands all over you at a family dinner. He's also very cheeky.

Super shy at first. Poor Pony doesn't exactly know what to do with his hands, but he's a fast learner. When you guys first started dating, he'd be the one to initate awkward side hugs, but after a while he got pretty comfortable and doesn't hesitate to wrap his arms around you or slide his hands to your lower back. He'll probably grab your butt if he's comfy enough!

Dallas isn't a big hugger, but when he see's you pouting with your arms open wide; he'll suck his teeth and say "C'mon then, get over here." Which usually makes you jump for joy and you spend the rest of your night hangin' off his neck like a little baby.

He's super gentle and always makes sure he isn't hurting you. Around the gang, he's always tryna prove himself to the guys, saying 'he's tough' which makes them all laugh. But in private he turns into the biggest baby, arms draped around your body as he quietly kisses your neck.

Two-Bit loves PDA; he loves it when people get angry and tell you guys to "get a room!" but most importantly he loves showing you off. He hugs you tight, squeezing you into him and he's often always giving you pecks on your forehead. You two are like glue; It could be 200 degrees outside and he would still be pulling you close, hugging you as tight as he can.


A/N: thanks for reading!.. requests are always open if you wanna request something and please leave a comment! I love feedback and general thoughts on my work.

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