7; what they smell like

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*this ones pretty weird hahaha but basically I took smells that I thought affiliated with them

Darry; coffeebeans, the smell of a new book, expensive cologne, freshly washed clothes

Ponyboy; wet grass, cigarettes, hair grease, fresh popcorn, new sneakers

Sodapop; strong cologne, sweat, gas smell (from the DX), new basketballs, new car smell

Dallas; cigarette ash, alcohol, the smell of old dusty pubs, cheap cologne, leather boots

Two-Bit; sweet like candy, expensive hair wax/grease, that weird smell converse shoes have, probably smells sweaty every once in a while

Johnny; denim (duh), the smell of baking, smoke, washed socks, real nice shampoo

Steve; gas stations (duh, again), cologne x1000000, sweat, lowkey probably smells like a good face scrub, that smell of soft teddybears

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