11; how they act when they have a crush on you

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He's really nice and sweet, going out of his way to do things for you. When you're out together he'll offer to buy you lunch, drive you home, he'll randomly splash out money and buy flowers for you, it's actually real cute!

Ponyboy's first shy, but he slowly gets comfortable after a while. When you're with the gang he tries to talk more and make you laugh, you often catch him staring at you a lot too.

He tries to act real cool and confident, with a hint of showing off. Soda will always try and grab your attention, whether it be intense arm wrestling with Steve or him grabbing your hand and saying "feel my bicep tense!" You know he isn't vain, he just likes you!

Steve is real similar to Soda, however he's more cocky around you. Whenever you're with the gang, he's always doing flips and tricks hoping to impress you. Sure, it's great, but you think Steve is cute the way he is. He's also ALWAYS inviting you out with him – to the Nightly Double, to watch a dragrace etc..

Surprisingly, Dallas is actually pretty mean. Not intentionally, but he's constantly crackin' jokes and saying things that aren't exactly appropriate. When he realizes he's being a jerk he'll stop, apologise, and give you a big hug.

Two-Bit is a l w a y s joking around when you're present, his goal is to make you laugh. He also already acts as if you're dating – he takes you out to places and always has his arm hung around you, he tells you you're beautiful etc

When you're with the gang, he's super quiet and doesn't talk much. In private, he's sweet and is always making sure you're okay. He'll always hug you and play with your hair.

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