2; his nickname for you

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He calls you 'honey' because when you first met he noticed you were really nice and sweet. It's cheesy but its stuck ever since. Infact, it's glued so much onto you that, when you hear the word honey by itself, you look around to see if Darry's called you.

He either calls you 'babe,' or just your name. Whenever the gang is over and they're watching tv, he'll always say something along the lines of "Babe, could you get me a glass of chocolate milk?" with a grin so infectious you can't say no. When you guys argue, which isn't often, he'll call you 'baby,' when he's trying to apologise.

'Sexy' or 'dollface,' when he's neutral. Steve likes to be cheeky around you and call you names that probably wouldn't be appropriate if you were in public. You could be sitting there reading a book, and he'd whistle loudly; telling you how you look so damn sexy and to stop teasing him.

Pony likes to call you 'sweetheart' or 'darling.' He's super soft with his names, but he'll let the odd 'baby' slide past his lips. You feel super special when he calls you one of these and it makes your heart turn into mush! He isn't one to call you them infront of the gang, but in private you're his little sweetheart.

'Doll,' 'baby' or 'babygirl.' – When he first called you baby, he said it so smoothly as if it wasn't a big deal, but you could feel your heart pounding outta your chest. It was one evening when you had invited him over to eat dinner at your parents place. "Pass me the salt, baby?" Ever since then, he switched between the three nicknames.

Surprisingly, Johnny wasn't that big on nicknames. He'd sometimes call you 'darling' or 'angel' but he didn't use them regularly. You didn't mind, because you had an awful lot of fun calling him "Johnnycakes" all the time, which annoyed him to the max.

He called you 'babycakes.' It was a fun little nickname that he chose for you while you were still friends. It was playful and fun, which Two-Bit was all about. When you guys started dating, he decided to keep the nickname.

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