18; how you met

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You met at school.

You first noticed him when you were sitting on the bleachers and you were watching the track team. You realized how fast he was and went down to tell him, you weren't a shy person and wanted to let him know he was good! You two hit it off and begun to talk more regularly, instantly making you closer.

You met at the DX.

You literally walked by the DX one day and he caught you. That's it. He saw you and was automatically eager to talk to you, which was a surprise because not many guys had shown you attention like this. He was cheeky and fun, which hauled you into wanting to know him more aswell.

You met when your Moms' car broke down.

Your Mom was quite the drama queen, and when she realized that you two were stranded because the car had broke down; she was instantly phoning companies to get help. That was until a beaten up truck slowly pulled by, and a handsome young man climbed out. He asked if you needed help, to which your Mom replied with 'yes.' You two slowly got to talking as he looked under the hood of the car, and fate took it from there..

You met when he roofed your house.

There was a nasty thunderstorm one night, which ripped a couple of tiles straight off of your roof! Luckily for you, you knew there were plenty of repairmen around to help. Darry was sent out, and he arrived at your house no later than what was expected. You were surprised by his good looks and big muscles, as he was to you. After he finished his work, he actually asked to take you out sometime and you couldn't resist saying yes.

You met him after he got jumped.

The two of you met when you were walking home one night from a failure of a date. It was dark out, but you could hear shouting and quiet groaning. You soon turned a corner and was surprised to see a tanned boy with jet black hair curled up on the concrete. 'Are you okay?!' was your first reaction; you then helped him to his feet and took him to your own house, where you nursed him until he felt better.

You met at the Nightly Double.

You met Two-Bit one night when he was drunk at the Nightly Double. You didn't like him at first, you even thought he was a jerk. He smelt like booze and was cracking terrible jokes. Things changed when you saw him a week later at a diner, he had cleaned himself up and wasn't as reckless as the time before. You two talked and you realized that he was pretty cool to be around, which lead to you slowly liking him.

You met at the Dingo.

You met Dallas at the Dingo after he had gotten into a fight with your now ex-boyfriend. It was stupid, but you couldn't stop the raging anger between the two as they pounded eachother with their fists. Your boyfriend was kicked out of the bar and you stayed behind, cooling off. Dallas eventually apologised and you weren't that bothered, your boyfriend was an asshole. He was pretty quiet, but still talked to you which would continue with your many Dingo visits to come.

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