14; first kiss

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Your first kiss was in his truck.

He had offered to drive you home one night, it was late and you spent your evening hanging around the Curtis brothers home. When it got dark out, you assured Darry that you could walk home but instead he insisted he drove you. The drive was quiet, but a comfortable quiet; it only became awkward when you two didn't exactly know how to say goodbye. That was until you found yourself staring into his eyes as he slowly leant forward to kiss your lips.

Ponyboy had kissed you one day in his room.

You and Ponyboy had been dating for two weeks, things were progressing slowly and one day he invited you over to study with him. It was a normal routine, except Pony had been acting different all day. He was super touchy – he'd rub shoulders with you while you walked together and hold your hand, or he'd hug you randomly for no good reason. Everything changed that afternoon when, while you were reading out loud from your textbook; he suddenly grabbed your cheeks and placed his lips onto yours.

Your first kiss was after a rumble.

You kissed him first – it was on a dark and cold night, the gang was just fresh from a rumble and they were cleaning themselves up at the Curtis' house. Sodapop and you were alone in the bathroom, he was sitting on the edge of the bathtub while you tended to his wounds. It was in the moment, he was watching your face intently while you fixed him up, until you realized he was staring at you so harshly. That was when you carefully cradled his grazed chin and pecked his lips lovingly.

It was at the DX.

Weirdly enough, it was at the DX while he was working. You had swung around one early morning to see how his day was going; he was greasy from cars and had sweat dripping from his forehead, romantic right? Well then Sodapop happened to bring up that a group of girls were nearby, and they were watching the guys work. That instantly annoyed you, as Steve was your boyfriend. "Well, this is something they can watch." You said stubbornly, grabbing Steve and kissing him hard.

Your first kiss was at the Nightly Double.

Two-Bit had taken you out to the Nightly Double once, it was a seemingly normal night and everything was running smoothly. You had only been dating a week but it was the best week of your life so far, you two had created your own little private picnic under a tree, where he brought you popcorn and other little snacks. When the movie started to get boring was when you kissed him, which surprisingly led to a pretty sweet makeout session ;)

You kissed him after a run-in with his parents.

Poor Johnny showed up at your house one night, tears in his brown eyes and a shiver running through his bones. You successfully sneaked him up to your bedroom, where he cried about his parents and how they treated him, and also how no one wanted him. You reassured him that you wanted him, and then you hugged him tight before turning his cheek and kissing him slowly.

You two shared your first kiss at Bucks.

It was a late night and you had gotten into an argument with your parents about Dally, so you ran off and decided to spend the night with him. He was at Bucks, in his usual room. You walked upstairs crying, where he pulled you into a soft hug. "Relax, dollface. Everythings a'right." He said. You sat quietly on the end of his bed, thinking about the events that happened at home and he walked over before licking his lips. "Y/N," He got down to your level and looked you in the eyes. "Take it easy." He finally said before kissing your lips lightly.

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