| johnny cade imagine 1

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You woke up in a cheerful mood, well, actually, your heart was beaming out of your chest. It was yours and Johnny's one month anniversary, which to say you were excited for, was an understatement.

You took a hot shower that morning, breezed through all your homework and considerably tolerated your annoying little siblings. Heck, you felt like being super nice today. The clock soon struck 10:30, and you had plans to meet Johnny at the Dairy Queen for a date.

You dolled yourself up and dashed off, excited to see your boyfriend.

Well, turns out, you were the first one to even show up. You decided to wait at a nearby park bench and soon ten minutes passed, and then twenty. Where the hell is this boy, you thought. You ended up buying yourself an icecream and walking by the lot to check if he was there; when he wasn't, you started to get annoyed and decided to check the Curtis brothers house.

"Hello?" You called out, knocking on the front door and tapping your foot impatiently. You knocked again.. and again.. and again until Ponyboy opened the door an inch, poking his head out.

"Have you seen Johnny?" You cut him off before he could even say hello. He paused for a minute and shook his head.

"No, I-I haven't." You stood on your tippy toes and tried to get a glimpse of behind him but he blocked your view. "Have ya tried the lot?"

"Ponyboy," You gave him a dull look. "I'm not dumb. I know he's inside there!"

"He isn't!" Ponyboy quickly cut you off. "Sheesh, Y/N."

"Well if you see him, tell him he's forgotten something really important!" You turned on your heel and walked off, feeling tears form in your eyes.

You didn't see him for the rest of the day – not that you looked, you gave up after the Curtis' house.. but he didn't even stop by to atleast say happy anniversary! You thought.

It was getting dark and you quietly slid into bed, you weren't crying anymore but you weren't in the best mood either. After a few minutes you started to drift off to sleep, until you heard something hit your window. You peered outside through the curtains and saw Johnny standing on the sidewalk, he was shaking around a few pebbles in his hands impatiently.

"What do you want?" You finally called after you slid open the window.

"Hey Y/N! Come on down here, I gotta surprise for you." He said acting completely normal.

"No." You replied quickly. "You forgot about our anniversary, Johnny! I haven't seen you all day."

"Please come down," He called back to you. "I aint forget, I swear. You gotta come see this.. I worked on it almost all day."

You ignored him, shutting your window and laying back down – Until curiosity struck your brain. You got up and dressed quickly before quietly sneaking out the front door, you didn't want to wake your parents.

Johnny was no longer outside your house, but you knew exactly where he was. The lot. You wandered down the street and took the usual path there; when you arrived you could see Johnny sitting alone on the old couch.

As you got closer, something caught your eye. There were candles lit nicely around the scene, a bouquet of roses resting nearby and what looked to be a bag of takeaway food on Johnny's lap. He looked sad until he saw you.

"Y/N!" He said, his sad look turned into a small smile.

You examined everything he set out for you and then you grinned, astonished. "You did all this for me?"

"Yeah, and I'm sorry, Y/N. I didn't forget.. I just wanted this t'be special for you. Ponyboy helped me and everythin'.. Two-Bit borrowed all these candles for me too.." He trailed off.

"Shut up, Johnnycake." You smiled sheepishly and sat next to him, putting your hands on his cheeks as you smacked your lips against his.

"Gee, this is the sweetest anniversary gift ever." You said inbetween kisses.

You spent the rest of the night eating cheap diner food while he told you the amount of quarters he had to dig for to buy you the bouquet. You both cuddled together and you covered his face in kisses and whispered in his ear the present you had for him at home. Eventually you were starting to fall asleep, heck, he had even brought a blanket for you.

"I love you," he mumbled quietly when he assumed you were asleep under him.

But boy, little did he know that you had heard him. And you loved him so much more.


A/N; this imagine was for wickedwinston ⚡️ I hope you enjoyed and if you didn't like it I can do another one :) I don't mind. Enjoyyy x

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