Chapter 02 : I'll help you!

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Hey everyone! Now, before we begin, I know you all have so many questions running in your heads regarding this story, so, let’s finish them off first.

First of all, this story is definitely a SwaSan ff, so, we definitely have Sanskaar in here. Please don’t worry about that.

Shlok, who has been nicknamed as Sanky, is dead and not Sanskaar. They are two different people. But where is Sanskaar? For that you’ll have to wait for the story to proceed. Let me tell you well in advance that this story has many twists and turns and this is for the first time I have tried my hands on this genre. All I would ask you all for is a little patience with the story and I’ll try my best not to mess it up. I have planned so much for this one but for that I need your love and support. I’m really happy with your responses towards the prologue and chapter 1 and I expect the same support from you in the future as well.

That’s all I want to say for now! Here you all go with the next chapter. I hope you all will like it.

*** CHAPTER 2 ***

Vidhaan smiles as he finally turns towards the door and starts moving where Father Francis has been standing along with his two guests. He covers the distance with long strides as Durga Prasad takes in his appearance . The heart of a father leaps inside his chest looking at the person who looks exactly like his son whom he has cherished all his life. But now he’s gone and he knows it very well that person coming towards them is definitely not his son Shlok.

Then what’s with this affection he’s feeling towards this young guy he has just seen?

‘Could it be him?’, his sub conscious mind chimes out of nowhere. No, that’s not possible. He was gone. Long gone, even before Durga Prasad could realize.

Pushing away all his thoughts Durga Prasad looks in front as Father Francis introduces him to the young man. He tries to force a smile on his face, obviously failing miserable at it. No matter how much he tries, time and again he fails to bring himself to smile for his mind is occupied with too much disturbing thoughts.

Father Francis: My boy! This is Mr. Durga Prasad Maheshwari. He has come all the way from Kolkata to meet you. They have something important to talk to you.

For the first time Vidhaan looks at Durga Prasad into his eyes and as their eyes meet much like the old man has just felt, an invisible thread of affection tugs at his heart as well. He smiles and forwards his hand for a handshake.

Vidhaan: Hello Sir! Vidhaan! How may I help you?

Durga Prasad’s heart and mind are still fighting their way out of the disturbing thoughts and while doing so he fails to notice Vidhaan’s greetings. Hemant notices this and nudges his shoulder breaking his trance.

Vidhaan: Excuse me sir! Are you okay?

Hemant: Ah yes! He is just tired because of the journey. (he looks at Durga Prasad with concern and keeps his hand on his shoulder) Sir!

Durga Prasad: Haan! Yes! Oh (looks at Vidhaan’s forwarded hand and shakes hand with him) Durga Prasad Maheshwari.

Vidhaan: (smiles) It’s pleasure meeting you sir! How may I help you?

Hemant: Can we talk to you in private? It’s actually something very important and we can’t let this out in front of everyone.

Vidhaan scrunches his brows in confusion wondering what possibly does this man need from him. From his personality, he could easily see that he is someone really rich. May be a politician or a businessman. Seeing Durga Prasad eyes full of desperation, he guesses that it’s really something very important, so, he nods his head in understanding.

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